Chapter 15

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Annie's POV
I miss Carson.
I miss him.
I miss his face.
I miss his scent.
I miss his smile.
I miss his laugh.
I miss his blue crystal eyes.
I miss his lips on mine.
I can't get him out of my head.

He's the most important person for me. I'm so stupid! I hate myself.
I hate myself so much! Why would I do this?

Hayden is right it is all my fault. It's my fault why I lost him. I lost a piece of me. The most important piece ever.

I wish I have'd never walked out my front door and go to that park and kiss Hayden. I regret it. I'm such a fool.

I feel so guilty, I don't want to get off my bed for the rest of my fucking life. It's hard when you really love someone or something and you loose it.

Carson was a part of me and I lost him. My stupidity took over me! I wasn't thinking straight.

What makes matters much worse is that tomorrow I need to go to school and get prepared for the mean words people are going to say to me.

"Slut." "Hoe." "Whore."
Those are the words going in my mind just thinking about tomorrow. That's what people are going to call me and I know that tomorrow is not going to be good at all.

Speaking of that just imagine this getting leaked on social media. I'd get called more names then I do personally. Even though I brought it to social media.

Why did I do it, that's because I didn't have no one to talk to so I had to let it out to someone but since no one is here for me.. I didn't know what to do... i should've posted it on my private account for friends only but I can't change anything now.

Besides that our family took a break on youtube and I am planning on posting a update on my channel. Ever since that picture of me and Carson got leaked to social media we haven't posted since. It's all Kenzie's fault but also me and Carson's.

People judge so quick and jump to conclusions when they don't know that Hayden also cheated.

But let's not think of that cause fuck that for now, I have to sleep cause all I've been doing is crying and eating snacks because of all my depressed moods right now.

I haven't even visited Jayden at the hospital. I can't seem to do anything right! I feel myself crying again. My tears fall down and my face gets hot.

Now it's a routine, crying myself to sleep..

The next day..
Skip to when she's on the bus

As I walk inside the yellow school bus I feel my heart beat fast. I know they are going to be in here and the "they" is people who are mean

to me because they're jealous ... (Kenzie, Emily, Devenity) it's going to be so annoying today.

I'm 99.9% sure that Hayden told them about what happen with the situation. It makes me so angry.

I step inside, and I see them staring at me, and rolling there demon evil looking eyes. My heartbeat goes faster, I'm not ready for more drama.

I don't want any more hatred towards me but what can I do? People just judge you for no reason at all.

I walk all the way down to the back and take the seat there I sit down and look at the window. I see all the trees, houses, people. Just anything here in LA.

I sit and look outside from my window, and I overthink about how bad this day is going to be.

It's only a few minutes later when I hear a girls voice who's behind me.
"Can I sit here?" She asks. I turn around and see a orange haired girl, with freckles on her nose, and cheeks, with light brown eyes.
"Sure.." I say. "Thank you!" The orange haired girl says as she sits down.

"Are you new to LA High School?" I ask while looking at her.

"Yeah.. well I used to go here until my second year of high school... me and my family moved to another part in California.." She says.

"Awe you must miss your friends from did you miss anyone while you where gone?" I asked curious.

"Yeah.." The orange haired girl frowned. "I missed my boyfriend.. but well we broke up since I moved but then we got into contact again and now we're friends!"
She says then smiling.

"Oh well may I ask how old are you, and what's your name?" I asked just because she seemed nice.

"I'm 19.." She says. "Aren't you supposed to be in collage?" I asked.
"Well yeah, but I failed 11th grade so I had to redo it." She says.
"Oh..and my name is Annie and what's yours?" I said.
"Oh my name is Nadia." She says.

A/N: To be continued...

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