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Maya's POV

Just as I was about to start rapping to Zane's song, I hear another voice coming from behind me.

It was Zane.

I immediately started crying and luckily I don't wear makeup to my shows, just eyelash extentions.

Fans cheered so loud once they saw Zane, and I'm honestly proud of him for the surprise.

He really didn't want to write or perform a song, even with auto tune, and now he's doing it in front of a few thousand people, live.

He finishes the rap and the song is cut short, because I was in no place to finish it, considering how much I was crying.

I wrap my arms around him excitedly and hold onto him tightly.

He wraps his arms around my waist and hold onto me just as tight, and it felt so so good.

"Hi, if you don't know me, I'm Zane Hijazi, Maya's fiancee," He said into the mic, causing fans to cheer even louder.

We let go of each other, however I held his hand after the hug.

"We haven't seen each other in 2 months, which might seem like a short time but it's hard to go from literally living with the other person and sharing a bedroom everyday to barely having enough time for a 5 minute FaceTime, especially with how close Zane and I are," I said into the mic.

"Thank you all so much for coming out, honestly it means the entire world to me, to have such incredible supporters and so much love being sent towards me is the best feeling in the world, you guys are my best friends and I will forever be so incredibly grateful and proud of each of you," I add.

"I hope to see you guys again soon, I love you so much, stay strong my beautiful people!" I added, before waving to the crowd and leaving the stage.

As soon as we were off the stage, I kiss him passionately.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to surprise you, I missed you too much," He replies, and then, Hidaya comes out from behind him.

"Hidaya!" I exclaim, letting go of Zane and going to Hidaya to hug her.

"I'm so glad you were able to make it," I say to her.

"Me too! You're so talented and such a great performer," She responds.

"Thank you! I've got some good food in my dressing room, let's go eat!" I say and we all head to my dressing room.

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now