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"So, what happened?" Calum asks, setting a glass of water down in front of me.

"I'm honestly tired of Zane getting drunk and making such stupid decisions.. And I'm sorry I keep coming over here, I know it's not fair to you," I answer.

"It's no problem, love. I'm glad that I can be here for you. As for Zane, what did he do tonight?" He asks.

"He almost allowed fans to come to our house, underage fans. Zane was so incredibly drunk, to the point where David had to call me to help get him home. He fell off a fucking roof tonight and gashed his arm open, and then poured fucking vodka on it.. I just don't get it," I answer.

"Don't get what?" He asked.

"Why he feels the need to constantly be drunk, he's so funny and perfect on his own, what's the point in drowning himself in liquor?" I reply, taking a sip from my water.

"Did you ask him why he's constantly getting drunk?" Calum asks.

"He said it was because the fans enjoy it, and that there's so much pressure, which I get the pressure, don't get me wrong, but how is he going to ever get over it if he doesn't give in? Our pressure is like the opposite, to be perfect, never be seen doing anything controversial. For me personally, it's easier because drugs and alcohol used to be my addiction.. But still," I rant.

"I'm gonna go get you some clothes to wear," Calum says.

Calum gets up and leaves the room, causing me to check my phone and see multiple missed texts and calls from Zane mostly, but also Heath and Matt.

My Love❤: baby I'm sorry
My Love❤: please tell me you're okay
My Love❤: don't do anything stupid
My Love❤: I love you
My Love❤: so much
My Love❤: you're my absolute world and I can't do this without you
My Love❤: please just respond and tell me you're safe


Heath🌼: hey, are you okay?
Heath🌼: Zane called me crying and freaking out
Heath🌼: if you guys had a fight and you don't want to talk to him, that's fine, just let me or Matt know that you're okay


Matty💐: is everything alright?
Matty💐: Zane called Heath and I saying that you took off without telling him where you're going
Matty💐: we all care about you so much
Matty: please, just a simple 'i'm okay' so that we know you're safe
Matty: i love you, so much. please don't do anything stupid.


"Everything good?" Calum asks, holding a pair of his boxers and a shirt.

"Yeah, yeah, uhm, I'm gonna call one of the guys and let them know I'm okay, uhm, thank you, for the clothes," I say.

"No problem," He says and starts setting up a bed on the couch.

"What're you doing?" I ask.

"Setting up a bed for me," He replies.

"I'm not letting you give up your bed, I'll sleep on the couch," I offer.

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I made you sleep somewhere that isn't very comfortable?" He said.

I thank him, then calling Heath to let him know I'm okay.

Heath: hey, oh my god

Me: Heath, I'm okay. I'm at a friends house for the night

Heath: what kind of friend?

Me: Calum's

Heath: Zane's gonna be really upset with you

Me: he already is. I gotta go, I'll call you in the morning

Heath: okay. I love you

Me: I love you too, Heath

And with that, I hung up.

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now