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Maya's POV

"Hidaya, can I talk to Maya alone for a minute?" Zane asked Hidaya.

She nods and leaves my dressing room, along with her mom.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as Zane starts talking.

"So, before you watch David's vlog, I just wanted to tell you that I got drunk again.. I know I promised you a while ago that I wouldn't drink anymore but I just really missed you, and I didn't have you by my side to stop me.." He says, holding both of my hands in his.

"Babe, when you told me that you wanted to stop drinking because of me, I told you that you didn't have to.. I appreciate that you told me though. Besides that, how was California without me?" I ask.

"Boring, honestly. With Jasmine in Texas, Heath and Scott being on tour, Todd being busy with Corinna, and David being busy with vlogs, I basically hung out with Matt everyday. Don't get me wrong, I love Matt, but it got tiring without you being there. How about you? How has tour been?" He asks.

"Partially amazing and partially hard. I love singing live and meeting all the fans, however I really missed you.. Plus, my anxiety is acting up again. I've had a few anxiety attacks since the beginning of tour, and I don't think I would've done the show if Kristen, Mariah, Heath and Scott weren't here. And when I went to Texas, Jasmine didn't even come. She knew I was there, because I was texting her weeks before that I couldn't wait to see her.. I miss her so much, Z," I rant to him.

"Did she say why she didn't come?" He asks.

"She said because she had a meeting for student counsel, but I know that isn't true because her meetings are only on Wednesdays, I was in Texas on a Saturday.. I just don't get it. What did I do? She's the one who wanted to move with our aunt, all I wanted was for her to do what would make her happy. So why is she ignoring me?" I answer.

"I don't think this has anything to do with you, my love, didn't you say that your mom and aunt stopped talking after you were born? Maybe Jas is trying to spend more time with her?" He suggests.

"Maybe.." I respond.

I hope I see her soon.

You Are Loved (sequel to Crash//Zane Hijazi Fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now