My Name's Phoenix

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Hi! Before this book starts I wanted to introduce myself...

My name is Phoenix and I live in an apartment with my friend Zoe Sugg AKA Zoella, in the city, LA. I'm 20 years old. I have wavy blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

My life was a disaster before I moved... My parents were alcoholics and they got arrested a couple times. My siblings were never there for me and I just tried to survive with technically no family.

Once I moved I thought everything was gonna be better but I'll tell you... It's not. You would think I'm always seeing and meeting celebrities because I live in LA... But no... Everywhere I look... There's a problem. And a pretty bad one I may add.

I met Connor Franta and Kian Lawely in pretty different ways... But I love them both.

I am now love with two boys... Kian Lawley and Connor Franta. They are both the TOTAL PACKAGE and I'm SUPER happy to have them in my life. But when one of them asks me if I'm in love with them... I freak out.

My name is Phoenix and this is my story.

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