W-Where Am I?

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I woke up in a room.. It looked like a cabin. I looked out the window, I saw people out there, they seemed like they were guarding the place.

I tried to get up, but I was being forced down, this must've been how Kian and Connor felt.

"Hello?!?? Anyone?!?" I screamed.

"Hello Phoenix... Sleep well??" Nash said, walking in, cleaning a bloody knife.

I tried to get up... I was still too weak.

"HELP!! CONNOR?!?? KIAN?!?!" I screamed.

Nash chuckled... "Such a dumb one huh??" He said.

"What?!? I'm not that dumb!" I screamed.

"Calm down," Nash said, putting the knife down.

"HELP!!" I screamed.

"awwww so young, so beautiful... Yet....So vulnerable." He said, stroking my cheek.

"HELP!!!" I screamed.

I heard the front door swing open, and bang the wall.

"WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"IN HERE!!" I screamed back.

Nash locked the door, and put a protection spell on it. "You'll never get in... Whoever you are." Nash said.

"HELP!! HELP ME!!!" I screamed.

The bedroom door, flew open.. It was a boy with brown hair and light brown eyes. He pushed Nash to the floor! "Nash we talked about this, you can't kidnap girls because they don't reply to you texts!" The boy screamed.

Then, a dirty blonde haired boy with brown eyes, ran in, "Hi, I'm Matthew Espinosa, your hero." He said, helping me up.

I stood up, giving Matt a hug, "Thanks so much." I said.

"C'mon, you DONT wanna see Nash and Cameron fight." Matt said, bringing me out of the cabin. He brought me outside, into an area in the forest. I looked around, it was all of Magcon. I smiled and waved. "Wh-where is Connor? and Kian?" I asked confused. Right when i asked that someone gave me a hug from behind, and another person covered my eyes. "Guess who?" they said.

I turned around to see Connor and Kian, I gave them a hug. "GROUP HUG!!" Matt screamed. And everyone came in for a hug.

"Wait, where's Cam?" I asked.

Carter ran insde to see. I followed him, everyone else behind me. We all laughed when we walked into the room.

Cam and Nash were haveing a sissy fight, where they don't even touch eacother, except for a poke here and there.

Carter pulled Cam away from Nash, and Shawn pulled Nash away. We were still laughing.


"You ready for the campfire Zoe?" I said, walking into her room.

"Let's go." She said. We walked out the house and I drove us to the O2L house where the campfire was gonna be.

We hopped out of the car, and walked in... Only Kian and Ricky were there.

I gave them both a hug, and dropped off my bag in the living room. I sat down and started to go on Twitter, and Tumblr.

When out of nowhere I hear someone scream, "MAGCON BOYS IN THE HOUSE!!" I looked up, everyone in magon walked in. Except for one person, "Where's Nash?" I asked Matt, who sat down next to me.

"Home, he's calmed down now, don't worry." Matt said.

"Why didn't he come?"

"He dosn't want to hurt you anymore... He punched 3 holes into the wall...."



"CMON GUYS LETS GET TO THE CAMPFIRE!!!" Sam yelled, once everyone was there.

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