Author's Note

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Hi guys! Thanks for reading my new fan-fiction.

I hope you guys enjoyed my book! I'm thinking about doing a series, based on this book... What do you think? Or should I just make a sequel?? Comment your answer please!! It would help a lot!!

I had lots of fun making it, I hope you liked reading it! If you don't mind, check out my other fanfics!!

I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Comment down suggestions, and opinions!!

I hope you enjoyed!

I might make a series based on this book, but I don't know yet. Or maybe just a small sequel... Or maybe just not.. Idek... Comment what you think!! I really need the help!! Thanks!!

If you want me to do another fanfic on YOUR favorite YouTuber/celeb/etc. Comment it with your name!! And I'll see which one I can relate to the most, and I'll use your name in it too!!!


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