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I woke up, in Kian's bed. Kian and Connor were by my side, each of them holding my hands. The other O2L boys were scattered around the room.

"H-hello??" I said.

Everyone looked at me. "Wh- what happened?" I asked.

"You collapsed." Kian explained.

"Wait... You two look... Different..." I said, confused.

The others came close. "She's right.. You two look different.." Ricky said.

Connor and Kian looked in the mirror... "Woah!" They said.

"You guys can leave.. I need time with these boys. " I told the others.

Kian and Connor walked towards me. "What's going on??" I asked... Confused.

"We are losing our energy... We- we need food." They said, weekly.

"How do you get food Kian??"i asked.

"I need energy form animals... Any time on mammal." Kian explained.

"Here, Connor, drink my blood, Kian, take my energy..."

"NO!!" They both screamed.

"Just do it, I'm gonna die anyways. And you two are eventually gonna turn and eat me anyways." I said.

"We can't eat you." Kian said.

"You're gonna die." Connor said.

"Guys... Y-your turning." I said weekly.

"We will NOT eat you!!" They screamed.

"You're gonna eventually do it guys, just do it now, before you go crazy... And you can't control your selves." I said weekly.

Connor and Kian began to turn. They didn't want to eat me.

But after a minute.... They were turned... Kian took all my energy and Connor drank the rest of my blood. I watched them eat... I wasn't hurt, or sad.. I'm was just... Happy... To see them survive and live. I smiled and, I went unconscious.

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