Beach With Friends

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My phone rang, I looked at it. It was Kian.

K: Hey😏

P: hi, nice smirk😂 what's up?

K: 😂

K:I was wondering, I'm going to the beach today with 5 of my friends... You wanna come??

P: me... And 6 boys.. Lucky me😏

K: 😂😂 don't go crazy... Plus you can bring some friends if you wanna.

P: aww thx😘

K: oh.. I only get a text kiss??

P: I'll give you one when you pick me up.

K: just sayin... I'm picking you up, with the boys...😁

P: it's okay😋

K: I'll pick you up in 10!😊!

P: can't wait Kian☺️

I went to my room, and put on my purple bikini.... And put on my black high waisted shorts and my o2l crop top over my bikini.

I grabbed my bag, put my towel in it, and grabbed my pastel mint penny board. I put my hair in a loose side braid. And someone rang the doorbell. I walked down the stairs. Zoe was already at the door talking to Kian.

I walked to the door and gave him a hug. "Hey Kian, you ready??" I asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He said.

"Oh Zoe you ready too?" I asked.

"Yup." Zoe said.

We walked out of the house and into the car. Before I could even open the car door, Connor's head popped out of the sun roof of the car. "Phoenix?" He asked.

I looked up, "Connor??"

"How do you know Kian?"

"Friends." I said and Kian came over.

"You know Connor??" Kian asked.

"Ya, we literally ran into him at Starbucks." I explained.

"C'mon guys can we go to the beach now??" Ricky yelled.

We all went in the car. I sat in the passenger seat, next to the driver, Kian. Zoe sat in the seat behind me, next to Ricky.

*at the beach*

"Whoooo!!! Let's go!!" Ricky said, running to the beach. Everyone ran after him, except for Connor, Kian and me.

"So... How'd you two meet?" Connor asked locking the doors.

"Um, we met by the Hollywood sign... I was on the roof of my car, watching the sunset and listening to music. And he just came around." I explained.

"Ya, we're technically dating." Kian said, putting his arm around me.

I moved his arm off of me.

"Are you really dating??" Connor whispered, and Kian went to put a picnic blanket down on the beach.

"Nope, just friends." I said.

We walked to the picnic blanket that I brought and put down. I set down my bag and took off my shorts and shirt. Zoe signaled me to turn around.

I turned around to see all the boys, staring at me. I rolled my eyes. I sat down next to Zoe.

"So, I'm confused... Are you dating Connor.... Or Kian??" She asked me.

"Um, I don't really know... I like both of them but they never asked me out on a proper date... Or asked Me to be their girlfriend... So I'm technically-" I said.

Zoe coughed, signaling me to stop and that someone was here.

I turned around it was Kian.

"Hi." I said and smiled.

"Hey." He said, helping me up.

"Bye Zoe, I'll tell you the rest later." I said and Kian held my hand and we slowly walked to the water.

"So are you and Connor, dating??" He asked.

"No, he never used the word 'date' just 'hang out'.... So, no we aren't dating." I said. And he kissed me on the cheek.

"Finally kiss me on the cheek huh?" I said, laughing.

"Yup." He said.

We ran into the water and swam to wear the boys were. They all greeted me and said hi. We swam all around, played Marco Polo and just hung out.

After a while, I left, and went back to where Zoe was.

"So you were saying?" She asked me.

"Oh right, I was about to say... I'm technically single still." I said.

"Oh, I really thought you should be at least crushing on one of the boys here."

"Um.... I never said I wasn't..."

"Ouuuu spill!!!"

"No thx"

"C'mon. We're pretty much sisters."

"Fine, but you are an annoying sis."

"Ya ya I know, just tell me!! Whoooo is the lucky guy??"

"It's... It's..." I said and the boys walked over.

"You ready to go home??" Connor asked.

We nodded.

"You guys wanna crash at my place??" Kian asked.

"Sure." Zoe and I said.

We drove to their house.

Everyone went in, except for Kian and Me.

"You wanna sleep in my room?" He asked me.

"Um... What about Connor?" I asked.

"Wait, you told me you two weren't dating...."

"Yea... But what if he freaks?"

"Well that's his problem babe."


"I'm sorry." He said starting to walk away.

I grabbed his hand. And pulled him close to me. "It's ok, I like it." I said, our foreheads touching.

"Lemme guess, are you gonna have me kiss your cheek now?" He asked me

I giggled. And bit my lip.

I walked into the house.

I sat in the living room. Connor and Kian walked in. I smiled.

"So do you need a room to sleep tonight??" Connor asked me.

I was about to say something, but Kian said something first. "No, she's sleeping in my room."

"Phoenix... Is that true??" Connor asked me.

I shrugged.

"Do you love me?" Kian asked me.

"Or do you love me?" Connor asked me.

"Um, I, um, you, but... Him.. Ummm." I stuttered and ran out the room and into the bathroom.

I locked myself in. Kian and Connor were knocking on the door. They kept trying to make me feel better, you know saying sorry and everything. But I didn't want to talk to them.

"Phoenix... girlie... Let me in please." Zoe said.

"No! Leave me alone." I yelled.

I cried. I sat on the floor and cried.

I looked in the cabinet in there... I looked for something sharp.

I found a pair of sharp scissors. I cut my self on the wrist. I cried and cried. I cut myself a total of 7 times.

"Let me in, Connor and Kian left the house." Zoe said.

I let her in.

She saw my cuts. She called 9-1-1 and that's what I remembered before everything went black.

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