Time With Connor

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I looked at my phone. Connor texted me.

C: Hi Phoenix😃

P: Hi Connor. 😄

C: wanna go grab a bite?😏

P: Sure I can't wait😆

C: I'll pick you up in 10

P: kk😋

I put on my black shorts and my crop top, and waited for Connor by my front door. I sat down on the front steps.

"Hey Phoenix!" I heard someone say. I looked up, it was my ex-boyfriend Nash Grier.

"Hi. Um, I'm actually waiting for someone." I said.

"Lemme guess Connor?"

"Um, yea... How'd you know?"

"Just a guess... Connor Franta is the biggest player out there."

"Really?" I said, disappointed.

"It's okay. You still have me." He said holding my hands.

"But you broke up with me..."

"Because I had to go on tour, and you said you didn't like long distance relationships. And now I'm here." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks.. But I'm still waiting for Connor..."

"Well, you still have my number." He said giving me a hug, and left.

*8 minutes later*

"Hey Phoenix" Connor said, riding on his penny board.

"Hey Connor." I said, giving him a hug.

"Wanna ride?" He asked pointing to the penny board.

"I don't know how to." I said quietly.

"Here I'll teach you." He said.

I stepped on, and held onto Connor's hands, and he helped me.

I fell off and landed on Connor. "Sorry." I said.

"It's okay, you are in the learning process." He said moving my hair out of my face.

I smiled.

"You are so beautiful." He said leaning in for a kiss.

I turned my head so he ended up kissing my cheek.

"Still playing hard to get, huh?" He said with a smirk.

We stood up, and we walked to Red Robins by the mall.

We ordered a soda and frozen yogurt to share and walked back to my house. We watched The Fault In Our Stars.

*after the movie*

I looked at Connor, and I laughed.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

"No, but on a different note... Can you give me a tissue?"

I gave him a tissue and we laughed.

"I gotta go it's getting late." Connor said.

"You can crash here... If you want to..."

"Really?? Are you and Zoe ok with that?"

"Yea you can crash in my room."

"Are YOU okay with that?"

"Yes, no problem."

He thanked me with a hug, and we went upstairs to sleep. I laid in bed facing Connor. He laid in bed facing me.

"Good night sleeping beauty." He said, moving my hair out of my face.

"Good night price charming." I said. And we both laughed.

I gazed into his eyes. I sighed. I gave him a kiss. And I bit my lip.

"You finally kissed me." He said.

"Yup." I said smiling.

I turned around and faced the other way, I went on my phone.

Connor wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me close to him. "C'mon, turn your phone off, we can have some fun by ourselves." He said staring to kiss my neck.

I shut off my phone. And turned on the lamp beside my bed.

"We need to talk." I said sitting on the bed.

Connor sat up. "What's wrong?" He asked, holding my hand.

I pulled my hand back. "Look... Someone told me that you're a 'player' with the girls...." I said, not making eye contact.

"Who said that?? Wait... Lemme guess... Nash?" He said, trying to make eye contact.

"Maybe." I said, looking at the floor.

"He always says that about me, so that the girl would stop seeing me, so that makes it look like I'm a 'player' with the girls." He explained.

I looked up. "You promise??" I asked.

"I promise." He said.

I laid back in bed, shut off the light. And I cuddled with Connor, until I fell asleep.

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