Chapter 10

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Camila has been gone for 2 days and we're very worried about her. She didn't go to her school and Léon told us she left the party earlier. She never pick up her cellphone and Oriana feels really guilty about her words towards her. She shouldn't have said those words in the first place. I will have my fifth match out of town and Camila will keep triggering my anxiety, if she's still dissapearing like this.

I'm on my way back to my house and as i glimpse to the sidewalk, i could see two teenagers are smoking down the street. I look closer and starting to get familiar with their looks. It was Léon with Camila.

I ask my driver to pulled out and approach them from the back. I'm getting mad everytime i see her hanging around with that boy. This time, i use my knuckles the first time i see him and he falls to the ground.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Camila shriek.

"He said he doesn't know where you at, yet here you are! Walking down the street while smoking this thing. I know he must be the person behind all of this."

"Stop being a judgmental dick. I'm the one who told him, not to tell you and Oriana that i was in his house—"

"You're at his house?" I land a hit on that boy's face and i don't care if people are staring or not.

"Paulo stop!"

"I won't, if you're not coming with me."

She glance at Léon with a concern look from her face. He told her that he's fine and let Camila drive home with me. I told my driver to go home by taxi and i gave him some money for the transport fee. I want to drive alone with her.

She's really pissed and doesn't even bother to glimpse at me. She keep scratching her thighs with her long nails without saying a word, and its getting worse when i saw a blood from it.

"Stop, you're hurting yourself!" I prevent her hand, but she jerk it away. "I do this for your own good. Oriana is worry about you."

"Worry about me?" She snap. "She's the one who told me to go and started to calculate the financial that i need for my highschool. I can live on my own and i don't even need her!"

"She paid for your highschool tuition without any concent, she loves you and you should know that. You do need her."

"I don't need her fucking money. Just because she paid for it, it doesn't mean that she can make any decisions about my life.

And you, stop getting into my sister thoughts! Stop manipulate her and making her to be like you. I should have known at the first time, that i can't be here."

She doesn't want to stop scratching her thigh, so i stop my car at the side of the street and prevent her to do that. She's trying to rebel, but i got a bigger strenght than her. I brought her to my hug and she kept hitting my chest, until i hear a sudden sobs from Camila.

"I hate everything.." Her voice crack. "I don't want to live in this world anymore."

I could feel the massive pain in her voice. I never see this vulnerable side of her. She's broken and she needs someone to fix her. I run my hands to her hair and caress it down carefully. She's still sobbing in my chest and i bring her deeply to my hugs.

"I am here for you."

"I-i can't do this anymore." She walk out from my car and wipe away her tears.

She walk to middle of the street and stand there without moving. Before she'll do something crazy, i pull her out from the street and she stare at me blankly.

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