Chapter Nineteen

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"Okay, babe. I need you to start putting the wallpaper up in Sera's room, please." I say to Harry as I try to get everything together. "And Katherine if you could start on your room that would be great. I'm taking Sera to go pick out some decorations for her room and then I'll have to..."

"Babe, call down. I'm on it. I'll put up the wallpaper in Sera's room and and then I'll start moving in the furniture and assembling it." Harry assures me.

He kisses me quickly before moving to do said jobs.

"And I've got my room." Katherine adds. "I can take care of it. I already have all the stuff I need from my old place so it's just a matter of setting it up. You just focus on Sera, I want her room to be perfect."

"Papa can I pwease get dis one?" My baby asks as she picks up a stuffed giraffe once we arrive at the mall. "He's so fluffy!"

"Of course, my love. Whatever you want, baby girl." I reply as I look at different pillows that would look adorable in her new crib.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" She pulls on my shirt to get my attention.

"Yes baby."

"Look! It's Santa!"

It's currently December, inching closer to Christmas with everyday and the mall Santas have returned.

"Ok, baby. Give me just a second."

I flip through a few more pillows before speaking again.

"Alright darl-" I turn around and she's not there. "Baby?" I look through the aisles frantically. "Sera? Darling? Seraphina, baby come out!"

I then glance out the window of the shop and see my baby laughing with the mall Santa.

I quickly run over to them angry but as soon as I hear what she's saying my anger melts away.

She's sat on his lap with the cutest smile on her face.

"I want Mommy and Papa and Daddy to have weally good Christmas and give lots of kisses to me." She giggles adorably.

"You've been a very good girl this year, Seraphina." The mall Santa replies, fully trained to handle littles. "Lots of presents will be under the tree for you."

"Tank you!" She hops down from his lap in order for the many other littles in line to have their turn. "Bye Bye!"

She then walks towards me as soon as she notices me.

"Papa! I talked to Santa Cwaus! He's so nice, Papa! He said I was good girl!" My baby relays to me adorably.

I lift her into my arms and carry her back into the store.

"That's great, baby. You're always such a good girl, just remember to tell Papa where you're going first, okay? You need Papa to go with you so you don't get lost."

"Ok, Papa."

I decide to set her in the cart so she can't run off this time.


"Yes, my love."

"I weally want a weally soft blanky."

"Of course, darling. Let's go find you the softest blanket in the store." I promise.

After buying way too much, we head home. I glance in the mirror and see my baby fast asleep with her stuffed giraffe and baby pink blanket wrapped in her arms with a pacifier between her lips. She looks so precious and now with the newly installed car seat, Sera is safe and comfortable for car rides.

"Harry! Katherine! Come here!" I call out as I settle a still sleeping Sera into her bassinet we set up in the living room.

They both quickly come downstairs with paint all over their bodies.

"Look!" I point to our baby sleeping soundly. "I got her a stuffed giraffe and a pink blanket and she won't let them go."

"That is the cutest thing I've ever seen." Katherine replies.

"She looks so peaceful and adorable." Harry adds before saying, "Do you need help bringing everything inside?"

"Yes, we got a good bit of stuff."

While Harry starts bringing everything in, I head upstairs to check on their progress. I see Harry as finished putting up the wallpaper in Sera's room and was in the middle of assembling her crib. I start to pick up where he left off when Katherine comes in.

"Hey Kathy." I greet my co-caregiver as I continue to try to set up Sera's crib.

"Hey Zayn. I wanted to talk to you about Christmas coming up." Katherine replies.

"What about it?"

"Well, I always go back home to my parent's house and they really want to meet Sera, but I'm sure your and Harry's families want to meet her too."

"Yes, Harry's mother, Anne has been texting Harry nonstop about Sera and my parents are very eager to meet her as well. I'm not sure how that will work out, we'll just have to sit down and try to plan things out sometime this week."

"We also have Sera's family to consider. As much as we all dislike Sasha, she needs to be with her family during Christmas."

"You're right, we'll have to plan that too."

Just then I hear cries come from the baby monitor as Harry walks through the door with an armful of stuff.

"I'll go get her." Katherine says. "She might want to nurse."

With that, Harry and I are left alone.

"Thanks, babe." I tell him. "Can you please finish assembling the crib? I can't seem to get this piece to fit in."

"Of course." My husband answers. "Why don't you start getting the light set up?"

The rest of the day is spent just like that, working on Sera's room together. Just as I start to add all of the finishing touches, I hear the doorbell ring.

I quickly move downstairs to answer the door.

I open the door and am shocked by the sight of a man that looks very similar to Sera.

"You must be Zayn." He says as he holds his hand out for me to shake.

"And you are?"

"Seraphina's brother, Andre."

Chapter Nineteen is here! I hope you enjoyed it.

What do you think Seraphina's brother is doing there?

Sera's nursery will be revealed next chapter so be ready for that:)

Please vote and comment, your words of encouragement and clicking of stars always help me update faster!

~Abbie Grace

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