Chapter Thirty-one

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A/N: I FREAKING LOVE YOU GUYS! ಥ_ಥ Your comments bring me such joy. Really, you have no idea. They make my day SO much better. I honestly can't wait to see your next comment. Seriously, legit being dead-ass honest with ya. <3

OKAY! So your super duper fun surprise is IMMEDIATE! XD Well...almost. I just hope you all love it. Σ(°Д°υ) I might cry a little if not. NO PRESSURE THOUGH! |||||/( ̄ロ ̄;)\|||||||

I had my final exam in Psychology today. I'm currently, and have been since I started the test, been like Schrodinger's dog. I'm neither dead nor alive and yet both at the same time. I have neither failed nor passed and yet both. (」゚ロ゚)」NOOOooooo━

I have my final project for my Fitness Practice and Principles class that's due tomorrow. THAT THING IS WORTH 150 POINTS OF MY GRADE! (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

(Pic isn't mine. Obviously. Pretty sure it's a screen shot? No idea.)



"Hidan! Are you almost done? This shit is getting annoying." Kakuzu growled, coming back from his little private trip somewhere. He hadn't told Hidan where he was going when the little prick started one of his damned rituals.

"Ugh! Kakuzu could you just fucking chill? Like seriously... CTFD man." Hidan growled, shuddering as he slowly pulled one of his spikes from his right shoulder.

"CTFD?" Hidan looked at the bloody Jashinist.

"Calm The Fuck Down." Hidan grinned, winking at Kakuzu as he pulled another spike from his left hip with a quiet moan.

Kakuzu shook his head. "You're pissing me off. Hurry the fuck up."

"I think my shitty mouth is rubbing off on you, buddy." Hidan cackled, moaning loudly when he yanked the spear end of his scythe from his right thigh.

Kakuzu twitched at the sound of the moan. "Just hurry the hell up. There's shit to be done, money to make. Time is money."

Hidan grunted, putting his tools away and stepping out of his ritual circle. "Yeah, yeah... Time is money, I'm wasting both your time and money. Yatta yatta yat- OW!" Hidan jerked to the side when Kakuzu suddenly gripped his hair at the root and harshly yanked him close, his other hand wrapping around the slender throat. Hidan looked up at him and grinned. "Gonna beat me up again? Ya know I can't die."

Kakuzu's red and green eyes stared into vivid purple before they slowly narrowed, his hand tightening around Hidan's throat at the same time. "You piss me off." He kneed the nineteen-year-old viciously in the stomach, making the young immortal cough up blood and slump slightly.

"Ugh....fuck.." He coughed up a bit more blood, his fingers gripping the tattooed wrist trying to yank the hand from his throat. "You're such..a..." He gasped as the hand tightened enough for him to seriously struggle to get air. "Asshole!" He rasped out, his painted nails digging into Kakuzu's wrist.

The hand in Hidan's hair yanked his head back hard enough to snap his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down. Hidan dropped like a sack of potatoes, moaning as blood drooled out of his mouth.

"Hm, apparently you are immortal." Kakuzu leaned down to the crumpled body on the ground. "It's always fun to test it."

Hidan growled at him, his body jerking slightly as the bones mended themselves in his neck. "Fuck you..." Hidan cried out as he got kicked in the face, shattering his nose and breaking his left cheekbone. Blood pooled from his face and onto the ground as he coughed, spitting out two teeth. "FUCKING BAG OF DICKS!" He choked on a mass of blood and bone, hacking it up and shuddering as his spine finally repaired completely.

The Right Way Around: Book OneΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα