Chapter 12: Moving In

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They both closed the door. Dylan flushed.

"Keep it safe for later use," said Zenon.

Dylan gulped but took it and locked it up.

He looked at them both. They were changing for bed.

"We need to pickup the furniture and other materials for our home. The manager asked when you both would be free," said Dylan.

"Tomorrow. No offence to your parents, but I would like to live with a bit more personal space and freedom," said Damon.

"Well, tomorrow it is," said Zenon.

They were ready by the time next day to pick the necessary stuff. Both chose different style of stuff for their office rooms though they did not ask about the colour scheme, except asking if black wood will be good.

Dylan made one walk in closet worth three in their room. Once the furniture was also set, Dylan visited both their houses to see the interiors. He opted to let it be and decorate it later. They had two dining rooms. One was the big dining room when they had many people around and a small one next to the kitchen with a smaller table and three chairs.

Dylan hung their wedding pics. He hung one of them in the drawing room and one in his own personal space.

Dylan sighed and turned to Galiel and Pearl, guards assigned by both his husbands.

"Guys, you don't need to tail me every step of the way. I am sure both your bosses did not mean you to literally follow me around," said Dylan.

"True Boss, but it's our decision to tail you still," said Pearl.

"Oh my luck. Why is that?" scowled Dylan.

"Because one of them alone is deadly, both of them together is destruction. We like our head where it is," said Galiel.

Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Do you think Sir Damon will like having a running track. Sir Zenon prefers a gym and Sir Damon did not object but I think he prefers running," said Dylan thoughtfully.

"Yes, Boss, we also understand boss is partial to running. A track wouldn't be amiss," said Galiel.

Dylan also made a tea area near the track where they can also dine if they chose. He got all their personal items from their houses and arranged them as per their request.

Basically, they just asked him to oversee it, but Dylan liked doing it.

"Pearl, do you think Sir Zenon will like having a puppy. He seemed to have taken a liking to the animals in the farm," said Dylan.

"Sir Zenon is partial to animals. He lets his dad adopt as many he wants," said Pearl.

Dylan went to visit Almero.

"Dad, I have a question for you," said Dylan, his shyness gone during all the to and fro to sort Zenon's stuff.

"Why do I get an introduction for that?" asked Almero taking the tea Dylan offered.

"Okay, fine. I want to get a puppy. Sir Damon had a pet and mom says he will be fine. I have always got the feel that Sir Zenon likes animals," said Dylan worrying his lip.

Almero looked fondly at the kid and said "He would love a puppy."


The house was ready in a month. Atleast partially ready. There are many rooms which needs work but the necessary ones were completed, somewhat.

Dylan hugged Eliza as he curled around his Papa on the day before leaving.

Eliza smiled as he ran his hand through Dylan's hair.

"Don't go if you don't want to," said Daniel.

"But I want to- still, I will miss you both and Cal and Hec," said Dylan.

"We are only ten miles apart, you can come running any time or call us and we'll come running," said Eliza.

Dylan nodded. Caleb was laying across him, a sad pout in his face. Hec was asleep.

It was time to move and both men were packed. Dylan had, with his parents' help, moved his stuff slowly.

Dylan was not sure how to bring up the gifts he got for them. So he placed the t-shirts in the bed, each neatly packed with their names on top of it.

Zenon took his and Damon sat down on the bed as he opened his.

There was a cheeky line on the end.

'Bringing Colour to Lives for the past 21 years'
                   Dylan Knight-Arcari

Zenon got a baby blue t-shirt while Damon got a white one.

Atleast Dylan knew what colours they would risk.

Both men wore the t-shirts and it was worth it seeing the broad smile on Dylan's face.

Soon, they were in Damon's Bentley. Both were in front and Dylan lounged in the back looking at the two weirdos.

They rarely spoke to each other. He wondered how they will do the project together.

The garage was planned to be huge with personal identification because his husbands together apparently had 25 cars and 17 different motor bikes! That was apart from the other vehicles for guards and all.


'Dylan' he heard two growls from upstairs and rushed up. Both were glaring at the single walk in closet which almost took more than half of the wall.

"Why do we not have seperate closets?" asked Damon.

"I- Why go for three when we can have one," said Dylan slowly.

"Two, I don't mind sharing with you," said Damon.

Zenon was silent and that made Dylan even more worried. He looked at the man.

"I am sure we can reach an understanding. I will use the middle portion," said Dylan.

Both calmed down at that.


Later, he watched as each of them saw their office space. Damon was very pleased. He could see it. The man was a workaholic and would sleep in his office buried in files if he could.

He was not sure how Zenon felt about his, because the face only had one expression and he always thinks the man is angry.


Damon was impressed with the track if him placing an arm around Dylan as he saw it was anything to go by. He did not say anything though. The gym was also outside.

They saw the garden, it spread into acres. Then they reached the outside dining area which also impressed them.

The pool was also extraordinary. They both looked at Dylan.

"This is good," said Damon.

Zenon gave a nod.


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