Chapter 15 : Kicked Out of The Room

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Dylan opened his eyes in the morning. The nurse in charge explained what happened to him.

"Your husbands are outside. Shall we -

"I need to see my parents," said Dylan.

"We will send them in," said the nurse and left.

Eliza who was glaring his son-in-law's to ashes turned hearing the door open. Daniel also rushed to them.

"How is he?" asked Eliza.

"You guys can go in. He asked to see his parents," said the nurse, giving a worried look to the two most powerful men around who stood in a corner.

Damon and Zenon exchanged a look.

Both parents went in and looked at Dylan who hugged them tightly. Eliza held his son and Daniel furiously started to turn to leave and give his son- in- law's a piece of his mind. But, Eliza stopped him.

"What do you want to do? You can come home with us," said Eliza.

"I- They are idiots but my home now is with them, don't you think so Papa?" asked Dylan.

"It is. But that doesn't mean we stop being your home. We are your home and your wall," said Eliza.

"But I will miss having them around till they get their head out of their arses. And, without me they will end up setting fire to our house," said Dylan.


Caleb slowly slid out and sat on the chair opposite his brother in laws. He glared at them.

Both were silent.

Eliza came out with Daniel.

"He is ready to see you both," said Eliza.

Both went in. They saw Dylan sitting up.

They did not know what to ask.

"I want to go home," said Dylan.

Both their heart sank. Was he going to his parents' house?

"Ask the doctors to discharge me and take me home, please," said Dylan, not looking at their face at all.

Damon spoke to the doctors and got him discharged.

Eliza and Daniel kissed his forehead and saw him off.

"We will visit you soon," said Eliza and that was when both men sighed in relief. So, he is coming home.

They drove home. Dylan went and laid down in his bed. He was too tired to even move.

"Do you know to cook?" Damon looked at the guards. All of them looked shocked.

"No," said all of them.

"Noodles?" asked one.

"Toast?" asked another.

Damon rolled his eyes and then looked at Zenon who sighed. Dylan had insisted on not appointing a cook.

"I will make something," said Zenon.

Damon's eyes widened.

"Are you fucking with me now?" asked Damon.

"Not yet, now, if you are of any use in the kitchen, come along," said Zenon and walked off shedding his coat as he went.

Damon glared as he followed.

He sat, his hands folded and leaning against the kitchen counter. They were both entering the kitchen for the first time since they moved in.

Damon's eyes narrowed as he saw Zenon expertly making soup.

"Do you want soup?" asked Zenon.

"Yeah and I will check it for poison , just so that you know," said Damon.

Zenon gave him a look and went back to cooking.

"Get me some cheese and white wine," said Zenon as he took rice out after a careful search to make Risotto.

Damon growled but went and got it for him. Zenon was cutting the onion and wiped his eyes in the towel and Damon kept quiet. He saw the soup boiling and was surprised.

"Take this to him," said Zenon moving it into three bowls.

"Come along," said Damon.

Zenon looked at the rice which can now sit for a few minutes and removed the chef coat and nodded.

"Okay, the lunch can wait. Anyway a salad wouldn't take that much time," said Zenon.

How a man can cook in the kitchen and still look as scary as Zenon did was beyond Damon, so he just resigned himself to it.

They took the soup upstairs. Both hesitated. Zenon sighed and opened the door. They got in. Dylan was awake. He was looking outside, onto the garden.

"Here is the soup for you, how are you feeling now?" asked Damon with false bravado.

"Better," said Dylan, surprised. He looked at the soup and was bewildered.

They kept the three bowls and slowly began having it. Damon would die before admitting that it's as good as what Dylan makes, which is the best.

Dylan looked at them finally.

"Who made this?" asked Dylan.

"He did," said Damon.

Dylan coughed as the soup got stuck due to a surprise gulp. He started hiccupping. Zenon patted on his head, to ease the airways.

Damon brought water.

Dylan almost laughed as he felt pampered by his men. He did not let the happiness show. He was going to bring his men together or he was going to die trying.

"It's good," said Dylan as he had it.

Damon did not disagree.

"We need lunch, it's 1 already," said Dylan trying to get up.

"I have made Risotto, We will make a salad and that should be enough," said Zenon.

Dylan was even more surprised but he kept quiet.


They did not talk much even as they had lunch. Dylan spoke to Pearl and Galiel and both Damon and Zenon looked at each other.

They waited to see Dylan giving them further instructions.

"What's happening?" asked Zenon.

"I asked them to set up a bedroom," said Dylan.

"For whom?" asked Damon.

"Are you sleeping in another room now?" asked Zenon irritated.

"No, you both are. I am done with being treated like a two knut whore you both fuck and then leave to fend for itself," said Dylan, slowly but firmly.

Both were too shocked to say anything.

They were locked out of the bedroom that night. Both groaned as they stormed to the other bedroom. They saw their casuals kept in the closet. After freshening up, both were trying to pretend like the other doesn't exist.

Soon, they were trying to sleep, shifting in the bed.


Dylan scowled as he slept alone. But he had to do this. He was not going to let them use him like a toy, no matter how much they do not mean to.


It's unedited.

Do you agree with Dylan?

What do you think will finally bring peace between Damon and Zenon.

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