Chapter 14: Common Cause

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Damon stirred. He was asleep atop his files. He looked at the date. It has been almost 40 days since his wedding. He sighed.

He had been irritated, then the anger got out of hand and he had snapped. He should have known better than to provoke Zenon and Dylan- well. He is yet to understand Dylan. Did he not choose him because Arcari was more powerful? He didn't care. He snapped the files close. 

Meanwhile, Zenon was way too furious that he did not say anything to Dylan as he left for a two-day trip. It is not like he has to be accountable and say every minor detail to Dylan or that Dylan cared to know. He just packed a couple of clothes and left. He left Galiel and Pearl in charge.


Dylan tried calling Damon. Damon cut the call. 

"Where is Sir Zenon? Did he say at what time he will be back?" asked Dylan.

"No, he has gone on a work trip, Boss," said Pearl.

"What?" asked Dylan surprised. He already felt bad for unintentionally ignoring Zenon. He called him up but Zenon cut the call.

Dylan was a mess. He tried calling them a few times and then gave up. He moved around the house like a ghost. He couldn't stop the teardrops that would leave his eyes every now and then. 

It was one of the most upsetting times in his life. 

"Boss, you should try and eat something," said Pearl.

"Not hungry," said Dylan dismissively and curled himself up in one of the sofas.


Damon had been in a bad mood. He had blasted out at everyone and shamed anyone who tried to flirt with him even a bit. He made a few enemies too with all his anger spitting venom through his tongue.

"What has gotten into you? I saw Dylan has called a few times. You should attend the call," said Candice.

"Candice, I assume you consider me a grown up. Leave my marriage and family issues to me," snapped Damon and closed the office door on her face.

He wondered what Dylan was doing. Probably both were celebrating his absence. He growled at the thought of it.


Zenon, after the assignment, got to his suite. He shot a staff who offered him to bring someone to keep him occupied. 

"That is a reminder to all of you that the Arcari's are always fidel to their Donnas," said Zenon.

He was angry at them, but that did not mean he will demean and offend both Dylan and Damon by fucking some whore. Promises are kept for life by Arcari family.

He sighed. Probably Damon was back by now and Dylan is feeling better. He knew Galiel would have called if something was amiss. With that thought, he fell asleep.


Damon curled himself up in his office sofa and slept. He was angry at everyone. And, if something was the matter with Dylan, his guard, Pearl would have called.


Galiel and Pearl were sitting near Dylan watching as he watched some movie. He had forbidden them from calling his husbands. Since Dylan is their immediate boss, though employed by the two husbands, they have decided to obey Dylan. Galiel looked at Pearl exchanging looks of concern. Dylan looked way too tired.

Even the other guards around the house were talking. They all absolutely adored Dylan. Dylan was walking around after the movie, looking at the clock and then he fell down, unconscious.

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