Chapter 30: Home

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Home, someone had said was not a place but a feeling. It was true. Dylan played with the hem of his shirt and he worried his lip.

"What is bothering you?" asked Eliza who sat next to him.

"What if they stop wanting me back if I stay here," said Dylan, voicing his deepest fears to his Papa.

Eliza looked at him.

"You have nothing to worry about. Trust me. They would be in shambles without you. And, go back only when you have forgiven them and if they stop wanting you, they don't deserve you," said Eliza.

That brought Dylan's mind some much needed peace.


Damon smiled as their breakfast arrived as usual, with a note from Dylan. Once they finished it, both were ready to go to office.

'I don't want you two to be some recluses. Just go to work and be active members of the society please!"

These were Dylan's words and they were following it. Damon looked at Zenon who kissed him softly. They deepened the kiss a bit. But, they didn't go far, they couldn't . Everytime the kiss got heated, Dylan's memories came rushing in full force, not that it ever left their minds, but the intensity was high. The absence of Dylan hung over them like a dark cloud. Both gave a small smile to each other.


Dylan blushed as he sent the note. He knew thier schedules were clear.

'I was wondering if we can go and have dinner together.You can pick the place'

Both Damon and Zenon looked at each other.

"Definitely a date. I don't think I will be able to come back home, leaving him behind," said Damon.

"I know. We will have to do our part too," said Zenon.

Damon nodded. They decided on two gifts, meaningful ones. Zenon cooked the whole dinner with Damon's help. Then they made a beautiful bouquet with help from staff for Dylan with his favorite flowers from his own garden.

They also picked a place for the dinner. It was a villa of Zenon where he used to stay with his dad when they were taking day off.

They both left work early and set up a beautiful pathway of lights for him. And, they had the most unlikely help. Eliza helped them when they reached out.

They set the table with help and then kept the food on the table. Then both waited.


Dylan looked at the stuff he had with him. There were two wine bottles. He also got them something unique. He blushed as he looked at the gifts.

He stepped down at the destination they have texted and reached there. He was surprised when both came to the door and opened it for him.

Dylan blushed the whole way as he took the baskets and walked with them. Dylan kissed them both on their cheek. They smiled as they led him to the table. Dylan kept the wine on the table and looked around in awe. He kept the baskets on the table.

They sat down.

"So what will you have?" asked Damon and Dylan hit him on his arm rolling his eyes at him making Damon laugh. He held Dylan in his arms and he cuddled up to his husband. Then Dylan hugged Zenon, who held him tightly.

Dylan served the food onto all of their plates and the dinner was mostly silent. They told him all about their work and the progress of the port deal.

Dylan told them about the progress Hector was making and how a boy in his play school was interested in Caleb.

At that both became over protective mother hens.

"He did not do anything to Cal right?" asked Damon.

"They are only six for fucks sake, what can they do," said Dylan rolling his eyes.

"And what is the boy's name again?" asked Zenon.

Dylan groaned.

"Don't go snooping on the family. Leave it both of you," said Dylan and turned the course of the conversation.

Once they had the dessert, all three lounged around in the lawn where there were cushions arranged.

Dylan smiled as he sat next to Zenon. Damon sat on Zenon's other side.

Dylan rested his head on Zenon's chest. The man placed a hand around him and slowly laid down on his lap. He pulled down Damon along with him and soon both were looking up at Zenon while they cuddled their heads closer.

Zenon thought his heart might burst from all the happiness. They stayed like that for the next couple of hours, talking. Then, Dylan sat up.

"I got something for you both," said Dylan and rushed to the basket and got back. Damon sat up and they both laid down on both sides of Dylan.

Dylan opened the basket and pulled out a box. He blushed a bit. He pulled out the two suit lapel pins. The suit pins had three stars in them with a letter engraved in it. He slid the pin into both of their coats and it looked regal with the three small lionheads above it. There was a third one in the box and that was for him.

Both men looked at the pin and had a hand over it and looked at Dylan and hugged him tight. It was 12 in the night.

"I should leave now," said Dylan slowly, not really wanting to go back to his parents' place. He wanted to go back home.

Both looked sad too but they nodded and led him to the car. Both kissed him dearly and saw him off.

Dylan curled in the seat as Pearl drove him home.

"Why are you going back if it pains you this much, boss?" asked Pearl.

"I- I don't want any resentments in me when I go back," said Dylan

"Do you have any now?" asked Pearl.

"Not really," said Dylan.

"What is stopping you then?" asked Pearl.

"This was supposed to be a date. I - I will go back tomorrow," said Dylan.

"It's your life, your husbands and no one is going to care other than you three even if you go home today. It is just the intensity not desperation. I think you are just scared of putting yourself out there again, all vulnerable," said Pearl.

Dylan scowled.


Damon and Zenon were silent as they sat in the hall, holding their coats on one hand. They held the pins in the other. It was a beautiful gift.

Later, both fell into an uneasy sleep in their bed worried and a bit sad but mostly happy. They couldn't wait to have Dylan back.


Dylan walked into his home. He was brimming with happiness. It was three in the morning. He just couldn't sleep away knowing that he had forgiven them and is not home yet.

Dylan sighed as he saw the state of the room. Definitely a mess. He was exasperated but he went up and saw both men asleep in the bed, looking uneasy even in sleep. Damon's hand was tightly gripping Zenon's arm. Dylan went in and kissed on Damon's forehead who just whined and then he saw Zenon was awake and looking at him.

"Are you actually here?" asked Zenon.

"Move over," said Dylan. Zenon did making Damon curl around him and then Dylan also curled around Zenon like a vine and Zenon held him close. He was home, finally.


Damon woke up first in the morning and froze when he saw the very familiar arm was wrapped around him. He raised his head and sure enough Dylan was asleep in Zenon's arm. Damon smiled and he felt his eyes get wet. He moved over and kissed on his forehead.


So, guys?

There will be five - six chapters more!

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