Chapter 21: Misunderstandings I

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The button beeped in the house, letting them know that a guest was outside. Dylan expected it to be someone from the family and so he rushed to the doors happily , but he scowled as he looked at the screen.

Damon saw who it was and smiled amused, as he placed his arm around Dylan while attending the door.

"Hey darling, did you forget me? I was waiting all evening day before yesterday and whole day yesterday and today till now. Thought I will drop in and remind you," said Emre as he barged into the house.

Zenon was home, but asleep after a stressful early morning meeting.

"I did text you I am busy," said Damon as he patted on Emre's shoulder.

"But you are not busy. You are laying about in your house doing nothing unlike the old you who wouldn't waste a moment without working," said Emre.

"If you were wondering, he was working till you knocked on the door and, after all the hardwork he had done, even if he rests, there is nothing wrong with it," said Dylan, a bit harshly.

"Yeah would say that. You are so simple minded and has no class. Damon is not like that," said Emre, a smile on his face because anyone would think it was teasing.

"Emre, I already told you, none of your misplaced humour here. Dylan stands where I stand in class and if you can't talk with respect, don't open your mouth and don't wake Sir Zenon with all your noisy bellowing," said Damon.

Dylan went off to let them talk. Emre launched at Damon to give him a kiss but before he could get anywhere near him, Damon pushed him away.

"What are you trying to do?" asked Damon irritated.

"Drop the act Damon, neither of your husbands are here," said Emre pouting.

"Are you out of your mind Emre. They are my husbands. Now, get it into your thick head that I am married and we will never be having a hook up again," said Damon rolling his eyes.

Emre scowled.

"You are serious about them?" asked Emre.

Damon nodded. "Yes".

"Fine," grumbled Emre.


Zenon stirred and saw Damon talking to the Emre guy as he went around the room. He did not say much rather than give Emre a glare which sent chills down his spine but he still managed to smile like the lunatic he was.

"Dylan, can you bring some drink for him?" asked Damon.

Dylan brought some juice but did not stay around to talk. He joined Zenon in the hall. Later, Emre decided he was staying for lunch.

"You said you were going somewhere in the evening," said Zenon to Damon.

Damon flushed because Emre started laughing.

"Oh, did he not tell you, he has been selected as the Entrepreneur of the year. It's not officially announced but the information is already out. He is winning it the sixth time in a row. I was his date last time and I have an invite this year " said Emre.

Damon looked at Zenon whose face showed no expression to those who did not know him. Damon could see a lot of emotions flitting through his face. He groaned inside.

Emre and his big mouth. He had intended it to be a surprise to Dylan and Zenon. He had even planned everything to the finest detail including tampering with their schedule by scheming with his in-laws and their staff.

He had even got them both two suits which, he remembers will arrive soon and here goes Emre ruining all the effort. He hated his friend for one moment there. But Damon knew Emre, he is an idiot like that.

Damon heard a noise at the kitchen side and saw Dylan and groaned. God how how as he going to convince Dyl now.

Emre, who had been on his way out, left.


Damon went and sat next to Dylan who was eating way too many popcorns furiously as he sat there. When Dylan was upset he would not eat anything and when he is angry, he eats a lot.

"Love, listen to me. I- I wanted it to be a surprise to you both. I promise. I had spoken to Kate and Keiran and cleared your work schedule for that. See, look at me will you," asked Damon.

Dylan looked at him and sighed and leaned onto Damon's shoulder.

"Okay, so what do I wear now? I don't want to embarass you in a crowd like that" asked Dylan.

Damon scowled. He expected a congratulatory kiss at first. But he guessed he deserved the cold shouldering.

"I have got something for you both," said Damon and then turned to Zenon.

"I really did want it to be a surprise, you know," said Damon.

Zenon shrugs.

Damon was understandably hurt with their curt responses and lack of enthusiasm. Once he went up, Dylan looked at Zenon.

"I am going to make his favorite cake and I don't know what you are going to do Sir Zenon, I want him to have a beautiful celebration," said Dylan jumping out of the sofa.

Zenon nodded. He had something in mind. Damon was curled in the bed, angry at himself, his husbands and Emre.


Dylan made a beautiful cake with Butterscotch flavour which is Damon's favorite and then he made a special bouquet for Damon. Zenon had went out. He knew Zenon would bring something really special for Damon.

He was a bit angry at Damon but he knew it was meant to be a surprise. So, it's okay. But he wanted to do something special. He scowled. He was feeling pretty bad for being petty and not wishing Damon. So he ran up and saw Damon in bed reading some digital document. Dylan had texted the same to Zenon before running up. He curled around Damon who just glared at him at first.

"Okay, I was being petty. I am sorry. Do you know how proud I am? Congratulations," said Dylan kissing Damon everywhere.

Damon caught him around the waist and brought him under.

"I will show you petty," said Damon biting him everywhere.

Zenon closed the door behind him as he got in. Damon looked at him and growled.

"Were you being petty too?" asked Damon.

"No, I was angry," said Zenon as he bent down and kissed Damon deeply. Damon blushed. He could feel everything Zenon was trying to say. He was a man of few words. And then Zenon kissed him on the forehead.


Okay, there is going to be more misunderstandings is all I can say....

My HusbandsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin