Chapter 24: Celebration

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Dylan woke up feeling warm and comfortable. He had two arms around him and he was genuinely surprised to see Damon next to him. He wished things went different last night and they had essentially ruined Damon's beautiful night.

Dylan felt guilty. Damon stirred and saw Dylan was looking at him.

"Oh Love, baby I am so sorry," said Damon, breaking the silence.

"I had been so angry, love, so angry that I even thought I wouldn't care even if you died but baby, I did not mean it at all. I would have died if something had happened to you. You were right about Emre. What did he tell you? ," asked Damon.

Dylan kissed Damon and silenced him.

"I just told you I thought that I wouldn't care even if you died and you kiss me?" asked Damon.

"I know you, Sir Damon. And when irritated I think we all callously things or speaks such things. You said you did not mean it and I know that," said Dylan.

"Good, Do I get a say?" asked Zenon having woken up when both were talking.

Dylan smiled.

"Yes and Sir Damon, Emre said- Emre said a lot of horrible things. I let it rule my mind. I did not want you to lose your friendship but he is not a good guy. I don't like him because I am selfish and I don't like people threatening my marriage or my family," said Dylan finally.

"Are you going to tell me what he said because I have to decide how I will kill him," said Damon.

"No, we are not killing him. You know what Tylor Morgan said-" started Dylan.

Damon's hand went possessive on Dylan as he held him tight.

"Don't even think I forgot that guy smooching you," said Damon.

"You were too unwell yesterday to address it," said Zenon.

Dylan blushed.

"Are you both serious now. He was flirting and I told him off. But he is handsome, you have got to admit," teased Dylan making both men growl and they attacked him. Damon was possessively kissing on the lips as Zenon nipped on his neck. Then Zenon kissed him. Both took turns kissing him for the next five minutes.

"I think the stench is gone now. Ugh- I will kill him for touching my lips," said Damon, fondly running his hand through Dylan's lips. Zenon was also touching his lips.

"Psychos," teased Dylan and ran for it.


Dylan saw the cake was kept well preserved. He smiled as he started pulling the vegetables he had cut and kept aside to make a few of Damon's favourite dishes for their own night party.

Zenon stopped him.

"You are not well and any cooking is going to happen by us," said Damon. Dylan scowled but sat on the kitchen slab watching. Once the breakfast was ready, they all sat on the lawn. Damon cut the cake and ravished half of it himself. He smiled as both of them played his favourite songs in the background.

Once the breakfast was done, Damon saw Zenon take out a box.

"I go the gift but Dylan said what to buy and he chose the words," said Zenon.

"You bought me a personalised gift in two hours yesterday?" asked Damon.

"Eight. It came when we got back from the function," said Dylan.

Damon nodded.

He looked at the silver box.

"Can I open it now?" asked Damon.

Both nodded.

Damon opened the silver box and he picked the black metal bracelet he will wear for the rest of his life. There, etched in gold was 'For our Extraordinary Mr Damon Knight-Zaned- Arcari '- Yours Forever, Dylan- Zenon.

Dylan was written on one side and Zenon on the other side and their full names were written in it. There was something written in silver and he rushed inside and got the magnifying glass from the draw and read it.

"Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God." The lines of Khalil Gibran was etched in beautiful letters that would seem like a design or a pattern at first look.

"We are in your heart" it read in the end. Damon felt so overwhelmed by the gift that he stood silent, clutching it tight for some time, his eyes closed, willing himself to believe that this was happening to him, him! Damon Knight! But, he wasn't just Damon Knight anymore. He is an Aracri too and He is Dylan's and Zenon's.


Damon walked out and looked at the two ridiculous men sitting in the hall worried about the gift. It was evident from the way Dylan was biting on his lips and Zenon tapping his finger on the chair though he was trying to be subtle about it.

"Will you both saps just hug me now," said Damon.

He heard the sigh of relief and both were on him. Damon was happy.


"I can't believe you didn't take the trophy yesterday," scowled Dylan for the hundredth time as he looked at the empty spot he had made for the sixth of the trophies the evening before.

Damon smiled amusedly.

"They will send it home," said Damon.

"Okay," said Dylan as he glared at everything in the room.

"You can stop blaming yourself for me not taking the trophy yesterday. Because It is not your fault," said Damon closing the file.

"Oh, It is. It is my mistake too. I should just have trusted you too push away Emre if he tried something with you. Instead, I got jealous and that ended up ruining your award day," said Dylan.

"Yes love, you should have trusted me, but this was my own making. I should have seen through his shit and I even insulted you like he did and repeated it again. I think I was a complete shit who was way too pissed off thinking that you did not trust me at all. I am so sorry love," said Damon.

Both were silent.

"Are we done apologising? Because I am hungry now and would like to have a healthy dinner," said Zenon, calling from the kitchen.

"Let us go, the man is calling," said Damon and Dylan nodded leaning back on Damon.



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