Chapter 28: Forever Yours

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"We are sorry," said Damon.

Dylan did not know what they were apologising for. Were they apologising for leaving him behind? Were they feeling sorry for him?

"See, I wouldn't be able to bear it if you both feel sorry for me," said Dylan.

Damon and Zenon looked at each other and Dylan snorted.

"I was just stupid I guess, I mean you guys have known each other for so long and the attraction was always there, don't deny it," said Dylan.

Zenon sighed.

"Maybe, maybe not, but Dylan we never want to be a couple. Without you, we will not be complete. Hell, we wouldn't be anything without you," said Zenon.

"Did you hear they called me babymaker in the mag? I don't want you to take me along just so that I can give you babies. I would do that happily for you both," said Dylan.

"Dylan what the fuck are you saying. We were alright a few days before and now you have believed every shit they have said in the magazine and is ready to leave us?" asked Damon.

"Leave you both? Oh, wow that is rich Sir Damon but I do remember two nights I slept alone in the bed when you were both just 10 miles away from me together. Three weeks where you have barely spoken to me or looked at me or even said anything at all. Oh, and how did you tell me that you both won't be home. A text? Too tired to talk to me over the phone! You did not seem to have all that tiredness when you were out partying with your business acquaintances. I have believed, you said. You are forgetting that I lived through it. Just leave me alone okay! You both are excellent at doing that," said Dylan, tears streaming down his eyes. His anger and sadness burst through and he walked off. He pulled at Daniel's hand and the man took his family home.

Damon stood there speechless as he saw Dylan leave. He also saw the teardrops that slid down Dylan's eyes as he spoke. He saw the hopelessness in his face as he said all that and Damon felt the reality sink in. He thinks he had been blaming Dylan a bit till then for believing all the made up stories.

He had not accepted his huge role in what happened. He was the one who took Dylan for granted. He was the one who had the thought process that 'Its Dylan, He is going to be there at home! We are going home anyway once this is done!' and ' Doesn't Dylan understand the importance of this deal?' whenever Dylan asked when they would be home.

He looked at Zenon who was looking at Dylan.

"I was trying to subconsciously put the blame on him," said Damon.

"Maybe," said Zenon.

"I stay with bros," said Caleb, insisting on staying with Zenon and Damon.

"Bro tell em," Caleb told Dylan who gave a watery smiled and said "Go stay with them and keep an eye on them for me okay?", for only Caleb to hear.

Caleb nodded and kissed on Dylan's cheek and then Hector, Eliza and Daniel before running off to stand near Zenon and Damon. Damon got him up.

Dylan did not look at them at all. He just leaned his head on Eliza's shoulder who had a protective arm around him.


They took Caleb home.

"What do we have for dinner now?" asked Damon trying to not show the immense sorrow on his face.

"Cookies," said Caleb.

"No, solid dinner and then cookies," said Zenon firmly. Caleb scowled but nodded.

"Bro is sad," said Caleb.

They need not ask who he was referring to.

"We know. We will make it alright. We are so sorry it happened," said Damon.

"Hmm, but the Emre guy told bro that you both would leave him and be a co'ple. I told him you won't," said Caleb who had overheard the conversation.

"When was this?" asked Zenon trying to contain his anger as he fed him classic red sauce.

"Don't talk with food on your mouth. Chew slowly, swallow and then talk," said Zenon.

Caleb scowled but did that and then said: "Last time I stayed over".

Some four days back!

They realised they would need a full security clean up no! And that day was the day off for Peal and Galiel.


Caleb changed into his night dress and like everytime he stays over, slept in the room next door and wouldn't sleep if they were not around. 

They still remember how Dylan says that he has them wrapped around his little finger which was probably true. Today both did not go to their room knowing they won't be able to sleep. They slept next to Caleb.

"No matter how many kids we have in the future, Caleb is always going to be the oldest," said Zenon.

"I know. I feel the same," said Damon. And he knew Zenon was referring to all three of them. He, Zenon and Dylan. There was still hope.


Dylan cried into his pillows. He turned and let his parents hug him from both sides.

"They apologised. Sir Damon said what they wrote is shit," said Dylan.

"Maybe, maybe not. However, the fact remains that they hurt you badly. They don't deserve you," said Eliza, his heartbreaking for his son.

"They are good men. Papa, don't be angry at them," said Dylan and somehow he managed to fall asleep.


Damon had called up his parents and all four came the next morning.

Caleb was playing in the yard with the guards and ran to them as he saw them. Abernathy and Richard were laughing heartily as they held Caleb in between them as the boy tried to stay in the air when being held by them.


Melissa hugged Zenon and dropped a kiss on his head ruffling his hair.

"Come on in, we are all going to have a talk," said Candice, patting Zenon's shoulder as they went in. Damon was sitting on a sofa.

Caleb sat on Richard's lap talking non-stop to him.

"My god, even with Cal running around, this house looks dead," said Melissa slowly and a teardrop runs down her eyes.

"Mom" Zenon wiped her eye.

"It is true. He is not here. So- To be very honest with you both, we- all four of us and even Eliza, Daniel and Almero were worried about this. We actually thought you both were drifting apart from him and becoming a single unit of just you both," said Candice.

"What?" asked Damon shocked.

"Damon, even in office either you were spending neck deep in work or talking to each other. You never really spoke much to this person you both supposedly missed. What were we to think?"

"How can any of you even think that is beyond me. Yes, we were in the high of that project but that does not mean we left our Dylan. He is ours," snapped Damon.

"We can see that now. You two need to make it up to him," said Melissa running her hand through Damon's hair as Candice patted Zenon on his shoulders.

Abernathy and Richard were silent but the sons understood what was being said was agreed upon by them too.


They watched a kids movie with Caleb and then made him his favourite dessert. Zenon made and Damon watched along with Caleb.

In the evening, they took him home. They had two intentions. One to drop off Caleb and the other to see Dylan and talk to him. To take him back home with them.


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