Chapter 25: A Day Out

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Damon smiled as he watched Zenon pack up food as Dylan lounged in his lap. They were going to a nearby valley where the hills are pretty amenable to being climbed on. They are not that tall and huge or required any climbing gear which was okay with Dylan.

They took their Aston Martin and drove to the valley. The three men were in casuals and there were other couples minding their own businesses.

Each had a bag, one had a tent, another had food and the third one had a change of clothing and necessary accessories.

Guards were around as fellow tourists but that was it. Dylan set up the tent because for the life of them Damon and Zenon did not know to set up one.

They went inside and Dylan spread a carpet on it. Damon was looking up at the hills while Zenon was observing the people.

"If it was anyone else, I would be worried about you oggling those people. Now, I am sure there is no one out there pointing guns at us," said Damon taking Zenon's arm and leading him inside the tent.

Dylan smiled fondly seeing them holding hands. He took his camera out and clicked a pic. He absolutely loved taking pics of both of them. Both sat down on the ground and Dylan got their bag packed with the necessary stuff for a climb.

He applied sun cream on all three of them. There was some school students out there. Young men and women around 17-18. Dylan shot them a look.

"Okay, a lot of them will be eyeing the men and chicks around, be careful," said Dylan as if warning them against some dangerous animals.

Dylan was eyeing them warily even as they climbed up. Damon and Zenon exchanged a look of amusement.

"Hey, sir your young friend, is he single?" asked a twink to Damon nodding to Dylan who was walking in front.

Zenon almost growled and Damon was equally furious but managed to stay calm and say "He is not single," said Damon.

"Oops, sorry, Is he your little brother or something?," asked another nosey teenager. Damon hoped he was not as annoying as this in his teens. Who was he kidding! He was not.

"He is not little. He is 21," said Zenon.

"What are you both doing over there?" asked Dylan scowling and grabbed their arms.

"Don't tell us he is your son because one of you would have to have been atleast 10 when you gave birth," teased a smart ass jerk.

"What the fuck is going on here?" asked Dylan.

"Nothing, honey, we were asking these old men about you," said one of the guys.

"Old?" Dylan looked appalled.

"They are hardly 28," snapped Dylan.

"Yeah, old but hot. I wouldn't mind!" said one of the girls moving a bit closer to them and reaching for Zenon's hand while another was openly teasing Damon.

"Hey, lady, keep your hands off," said Damon.

"Hands off our man," said Dylan, both to the one closer to Zenon.

"What?" all the five kids looked at them.

"What you just heard. Hands off our husband,now," snapped Dylan and then turned to the one closer to Damon.

"Off you go. He is taken," snapped Dylan.

All five stepped back and gaped at them.

"Wow," the girls screamed excited.

"I have always wanted to meet a trio. Can we have a picture and an autograph please?" screamed the one next to Zenon.

Dylan rolled his eyes.

They walked away.

Later both Zenon and Damon were amused because it was actually Dylan who attracted more eyes making them go super protective over him. All the hawks were eyeing him irritating them both. The climb was awesome. They had their lunch in one of the landings of the hill. Then they hung around, Dylan clicking pictures madly and then they sat around, just enjoying the nature and there was a lot of silly small talk involved till a peaceful silence claimed them.

By afternoon they climbed down. Once they reached the tent and set the bag away, they went to the river with their swimming trunks. Many people were swimming and having fun in the river. The three men absolutely enjoyed the swimming, except for the 'oggle the naked torso' part.

Once the swimming was done, all three got to the tent and then Damon helped Dylan start up a small fire. They brought a grill and some frozen food. They grilled and all three men were becoming it's quick fans.

Once they had a good dinner, they went into the crowd and watched the regular art performance by natives. Then, they walked around the well lit areas, talking.

In the night, they curled around each other in the tent. It was just them three and endless possibilities.

Zenon gave a small smile to both of them and gave each other a kiss.

"Love,Thank you, this was awesome," said Damon.

"Yeah, sweetheart, I never thought I would have a day like this in my life," said Zenon.

Dylan blushed as both their attention was on him.

"Well, you both will fully be immersed in the port project soon. I wanted us to have some family time," smiled Dylan.

"We don't want you left alone at home. Visit our parents and we will be back as early as possible every day," said Damon kissing him on his forehead.

Zenon looked at them both fondly. Dylan watched happily as Zenon kissed Damon. Damon, as always blushed. Dylan found it cute that Zenon could make Damon blush. It was a beautiful sight and he didn't know what is better than that.

Damon felt his toes curl and he clutched Zenon closer. It was intense.

Once he let go of Damon's, now red lips, Zenon kissed him on the forehead. Damon smirked as he pulled Dylan to them who was caught unaware. He let Damon hold him as Zenon kissed him. He felt himself go weak on the knees, boneless.


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