Chapter 38: A Baby Shower

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The baby shower was the event of the year for the family. Only close friends and family will attend it. His Highness will be attending and if all goes well Patreo and Yuven will too.

Zenon smiled looking at Dylan who sat on the sofa which was now outside in the lawn. All of their parents were sitting around. They had limited guests, somewhere around fifty. All bestowed them with gifts. Damon was rushing around like a sugar high puppy with the kids.

Then, after the formal event was done and the official guests went home, it was family time. His Highness came visiting then. He gave his blessings and left. Then, as the family settled around, Almero went in to get some wine. He was on his way out when he saw a crowd in the lawn. When the crowd parted, the wine bottle slid from Almero's arms. Patreo saw him too.

"It is okay dad, I will ask the maids to clean it," said Zenon.

Almero nodded, as he stepped forward, his eyes not leaving Patreo.

"Your hair is grey," said Almero.

"That is no way getting you anywhere near me, not even a ten-metre radius," said Patreo.

Almero moved and Patreo was in his arms.

"Oh, god, I missed you. How are you? Where the fuck were you? You were supposed to come back with your brother. Do you know where all we both looked for you?" asked Almero, holding Patreo in his arms firmly as he threw the questions.

"I was not in a right place then. Imagine giving birth to a child and loosing them, imagine being shipped off by your own family, imagine your best friend, your sole protector walking away, imagine the husband who is supposed to protect you tries to brutally injure you every day together. I am lucky I was able to grow above that. Took me years, travelling, learning and then finally settling down, here meet someone extraordinary," said Patreo and turned and Almero's heart stopped, almost.

He did not know if Patreo was now settled with someone. Probably, which is why he was referring to someone. He will be happy for Patreo even if it broke him a little. But then, it was a tiny surprise. A child, not older than three stood behind Patreo's leg.

"Say Hi to Mr Arcari, Yuven," said Patreo.

Almero looked at Patreo and then at his son who was apparently named after him. 

"Hi," the child said shyly. He was adorable.

Almero smiled and shook his hand.

"His father?" asked Almero not knowing if he wanted to hear the answer.

"I am his father. No, there is no mother. I- I adopted him," said Patreo in a whisper which only Almero could hear so that the little ears doesn't hear something before time.

"Oh, I see," said Almero.

Once they all sat down for dinner, Zenon came around to Almero who was standing and looking at Patreo and his son from distance.

"Maybe this time, you can be brave and ask him to stay?" said Zenon and Almero looked at him in shock.

"You know," said Almero.

Zaleno just smiled.

"Not only do they know, but they also went to Greece to find him," said Eliza.

Almero looked at his three boys and hugged them together.

"Thanks," he mumbled to all three and then walked towards where Patreo and Yuven were.

Patreo looked at him.

"So, where are you staying?" he asked.

"My brother, the ever powerful highness has decided that I can live life on my own terms and anyone who dares to question can ask them to him, so I am staying at the palace," said Patreo.

Almero nodded.

"When did you get back?" asked Almero.

"Today morning?" said Patreo.

Almero nodded.

He was struggling to talk.

"I have missed you," said Almero.

Patreo looked at him.

"I am glad you did not live alone," said Patreo.

Almero smiled and Patreo looked at him in awe.

"Would you have said the same if I had married someone?" asked Almero.

Patreo was silent.

"Forget it, I- " started Almero.

"No, I would have been mad, but I would have understood. We never spoke about anything anyway," said Patreo.

"I was a coward," said Almero.

Patreo looks at him.

"I can understand if you can't forgive me. I will stay clear, just don't leave again," said Almero.

"You idiotic prick you listen here, I did not come from Greece, giving up a perfectly okay life there, after I saw your three boys and talking to them to come here and hide in the palace from you. You know I absolutely hate the place. So you better man up and convince me to get out of that place soon and court me like a proper prince should be courted, that is if you are interested or I can always ask my brother to find me ano-

Almero who was gaping till then pulled Patreo close by his waist making him shut up.

"You were saying?" asked Almero as he bent down and dropped a kiss on his forehead.

Patreo looked at him.

"I- I am not alone now. Yuven comes with me, it's a package deal," said Patreo looking at him.

"I love packages if you didn't know that, " said Almero nodding to the whole family in the lawn who were all posing as of they were minding their own business when all eyes were actually on them.

Patreo nodded.

Yuven ran to Patreo, trying not to fall off his feet. Patreo lifted him up.

After dinner, Almero walked them to the car and saw them off and got back in and looked at the three boys.

All three smiled.

"Greece huh? How do I ever thank you three?" asked Almero.

"You just be happy, father," said Damon.

"Exactly," nodded Dylan

Almero looked at Zenon who had a small smile on his face.

"I wish I knew earlier Dad, we could have been a family long before now," said Zenon.

"I was scared," said Almero and it took everything in him to admit that.

Zenon hugged him.


So, Guys? One more chapter and Epilogue!

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