Chapter 29: Going Back Home

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Okay, I know the name says it all. But we all knew what will happen.

Damon and Zenon looked at Eliza who was glaring at them. They had insisted on speaking to Dylan and Eliza huffed but stepped away to let them in.

Dylan was curled up in his bed.

He looked up when he saw them.

Dylan sat up.

"What are you doing here?" asked Dylan, surprised.

"Well should we get permission to come see you?" asked Zenon.

"I didn't mean it that way," said Dylan.

"You know it feels like we are talking to someone else, someone who doesn't feel we are anything to them at all," said Damon, slowly.

"It's not so," said Dylan, his voice breaking as he said that.

Damon froze and looked up and saw the teardrop on his eyes and wiped it.

"I am sorry Dylan, love, for making you feel shitty. That wasn't my intention. I was taking you for granted which is true. I- The project was making us invincible. The high of doing it together rode us and we were enjoying it. But that doesn't mean all of a sudden we forgot you or we didn't want you. I-I never thought to tell you how much I missed you, how much we missed you. What the magazine said about us wanting to be a couple is a lie. It is not true and it's not because you are our baby maker or our balance. It is because you are our equal in this and you mean as much to us as we mean to you. I fucking love you okay. I am in love with you. I am sorry I forgot mom's death anniversary. I am sorry I shouted at you the day before when you were probably going to ask about it. I am sorry you had to be alone. I am sorry for whatever that Emre said. He is a dead man, I promise you and love it was supposed to be your win. We were just trying to make you proud of us," said Damon.

Every word he said was true and he felt his eyes welling up and Dylan wiped his eyes, silently. Dylan wanted to hug him and never let go but he kept his distance.

Zenon who was silent till then said  "Dylan, sweetheart, you know I am not an overly affectionate person. I struggle even though you both mean the world to me. I- I did miss you, more than you can imagine but I did not know that I should let you know that I missed you. Damon was there with me and we were like we always were but we missed you and I realise we left you alone. I - I practically stole my half of this deal from Damon because it meant I can finally have some rest. My own port in my land means a few hundred enemies less. I wanted Dad to be safe. This was making me powerful and power- I grew up dreaming of power. For a boy who grew up in the streets of Malone, treated like he is trash every single day since he can remember, having the complete control of Malone was sort of a sweet revenge. I missed you with every fibre of my being and I was glad that Damon was there because missing you both together would have been horrible. I know  I would not have behaved any different if it was Damon who was home and not you. I guess I am wired that way. But I promise to change, to show you how much I do care, if you will forgive me this one time. I - sweetheart please come home. I am sorry I forgot mom's anniversary. I am. I am sorry I got angry at you the night before the anniversary. I am sorry for making you feel bad, feel lonely," said Zenon.

Dylan looked at them both. When the night before Zenon had just called him Dylan it had hurt. His heart was busting with joy as he heard them talk now.

He sighed.

"Did you both have dinner?" asked Dylan.

"No," said both.

"Come on," said Dylan and walked out of the room. They followed. The family dinner was not exactly quiet. Daniel spoke to them as Dylan sat silent but had served food onto their plates. Caleb was also going miles a minute about all the adventures he had with Damon and Zenon.

Once the dinner was done, Dylan accompanied the outside into the backyard.

They looked at him.

"I need some time," said Dylan.

"You can take all the time you want," said Damon.

"Just please come back home, no matter how much time it takes," said Zenon.

Dylan looked at them both and then he hugged Damon who shook as he hugged Dylan closer to him. He took Zenon's hand holding it tight as Damon hugged him tighter.

Zenon bent his head and kissed on Dylan's forehead and then Dylan gave a small smile tucking his head closer to Damon's neck.

Once Damon let him go, Dylan ran his hand through the man's face and said "Sleep. There are dark circles already."

Damon nodded. Dylan turned to Zenon and hugged him equally tight. "You look bone tired," said Dylan as he took in the feel of his husband.

Zenon sighed. "Take rest, sleep well," said Dylan.

Both men left, though a bit reluctantly.

Dylan sighed.

He watched  a bit sadly as they left. He wishes that he could also go. But he knew he has to heal before he go back. Otherwise, there will be small resentments which will grow big and bad with time. So, he will go home only after the wound heals.

Dylan opened the door to his parents' house next day to find a basket waiting for him. It had his favourite fruits on it and a note.

To our Dylan,

We know we should give you space. So sending this from our garden with Pearl who had got back on job only when we explained what happened. He is very much loyal to you. I think he will be the next mother hen.

Zenon and Damon.

Dylan was amused at Damon's writings. He was sure it was Damon who wrote it. He looked at Pearl who brought this and hugged him.

"Now why did you leave the protection of my husbands. You know I would sleep better if I know you and Galiel are around them," said Dylan, pecking the older man on his cheek.

He thinks of Pearl like an older brother. The fact that Pearl was a submissive also brought them closer.

"Well, they hurt you," said Pearl.

"But they are still mine and I would never want them hurt. So, no matter what happens in future, you are going to guard my men," said Dylan.

"My job is protecting you. Galiel, that asshole will protect your husbands. They all are the same," said Pearl.

"Fought with the boyfriend this morning have we," asked Dylan fondly.

"Well, he forgot to keep a share of my favourite dessert last night. I did not cook this morning. Serves him right," said Pearl.

Both laughed a bit at that.

"Come on in," smiled Dylan inviting him in and his parents were waiting in the hall. They all had breakfast.

Dylan called Galiel to make sure that the men had lunch.

"Sir Dylan I gave them both the lunch you sent and has left the note you asked me to leave next to it.

Damon and Zenon had a meeting in the morning. Dylan had texted them asking them to go having heard about it from Almero.

They got back home and saw the food on the table. There was a note.

'Don't skip the Lunch'


Both looked at each other and smiled as they opened the bowls and as expected it was their favourites.

They had it. Both looked at each other wishing the same.

That Dylan would be back soon.


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