Who Am I? #2 - Reverse Trivia

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- May or may not continue.

- Anyway Reverse's personal ability is to steal powers from other sources. Including skills.

- Legit he can steal skills like drawing styles.

- His friends try to look for him, but they don't know where the hell he is.

- That said until one day every TAPOPS's mission crews was under attack at once.

- Yaya and Ying, Fang and Gopal are seperate, teams.

- BTW all the elements + Boboiboy are in reverse form.

- Reverse, Lightning, Wind, Earth attack Gopal and Fang. Water, Leaf, Fire, Light attack Yaya and Ying.

- They never stood a chance...

- But Ochobot was notified of the sudden change in plans and managed to teleport them back in time before they die.

- Ochobot managed to place a limiter on Reverse's watch so the elements would be forced back.

- They didn't account for the fact that he can steal their powers.

- Reverse managed to come in contact with Yaya. They didn't know what was going on and why he suddenly has Yaya's powers.

- Whatever the case, he gave them a good run before he stole Ying's. Gravitational pressure + time being slowed only for them + Reverse's mobility is off the charts = Say goodnight coz it's the last time you'll close your eyes.

- He stole Gopal's. In his influence, Gopal's molecular reconstruction powers turned deadly. He manipulated their cells to disintegrate slowly and painfully.

- But when he tried to steal Fang's powers, it backfired. What happened before reoccured and the Reverse form receded.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, but I think it's the author running out of ideas."

- Spoiler alert: I did not.

- Boboiboy could remember what happened and he's honestly mortified by himself.

- Scans were ran through and it was because of Fang's powers itself. Fang can control shadows, figuratively and physically. He can literally turn anyone depressed and into a psychopath, provides the person was already lost and depressed.

- Fang is immune to its affects for being its user. It's useless when it comes to people who can be saved emotionally.

- It's when they realize that they can't save Boboiboy.

- At least not emotionally or mentally.

- Boboiboy was given a new watch with elements that can't split or have personalities. His old watch was locked in the evidence room.

- He could always hear Reverse screaming in his mind every day. It took all of his willpower not to listen to it.

- He knows he's going crazy. Slowly but surely.

- His friends are concerned for him, but he turns them away in fear of harming them.

- Then he realizes that his body was moving on its own. He wouldn't even realize it until someone points it out.

- Eventually he could see the pattern. Everytime he comes closer to his old watch. It was something that keeps calling out to him.

- He could see what was happening, but he couldn't stop it. He was in full control, but some part of him didn't want to stop. 

- It was at that point where he had to cuff both his hands to the bedpost when he's sleeping and took his watch off. He can't risk it.

- Gopal helped him get free every time.

- It worked, for now. But even so, Reverse did take over when he's asleep. He could see by the bruising on his wrists and sore shoulders.

- Whatever the case, it wasn't a good one. Gopal claimed that Reverse had threatened him when he was about to sleep.

- It became clear that Gopal had to move to Fang's room, even if Fang was 100% against it. Until Boboboy can subdue Reverse or make peace, he had to be quarantined for now.


"Fang, it's only until I get Reverse under control."


"Thought you hated him?"

"That's the fucking point, dumbass."

- Kaizo is unaware of the entire situation itself.

- So one time where he was stationed in TAPOPS temporarily, he heard a loud ruckus in Boboiboy's room. Blissfully unaware, he opened the door to see Boboiboy's hands chained to the wall as he was trying to free himself.

- Kaizo was... 

- Uh I'm not sure what word to use.

- It's between baffled, shocked, confused, curious and was definitely going to question his brother's sanity later.

- He helped him free, but as soon as he did, Reverse pounced on him and stole his energy manipulation powers.

- He escaped to the evidence room, bypassed guards with Kaizo's energy manipulation and retrieved his watch.

- And boom, the seven elements were summoned again.

"Thought you were too weak and scared to ever get it," Reverse Earth snorted.

Reverse glared at him. "I can turn you into dust so I'd suggest you shut your fucking mouth up."


That's about it.


Reverse's information:

Name: Reverse

Age: 15

Personality: Maschoschist, off the edge, slight psychopahthic, lazy when it comes to stuff that none of his business, sadistic, straightforward, asshole, distant.

H/C: White & 1 brown streak

E/C: Blood red [original]; bright red [using powers/stealing powers]; black [giving powers]

S/C: Pale

Ability: Able to steal powers and skills. He can use two powers at one time and create various combinations of his own. He doesn't have his elemental powers anymore. He can store seven powers at a maximum, and infinite skills. 

Backlash of Ability: He cannot use three or above powers at once. Otherwise it will cause excessive strain to his physical condition and leading to passing out.


1. He has no mercy.

2. He is insane.

3. He's a hot psychopath.

4. The elements affect his personality, even if they're in reality. So if you change Leaf's (Sadistic) personality to an innocent bunny, Reverse will no longer be sadistic and will share his innocent personality with Leaf.

5. It's the concept of connecting. Their deaths don't affect him, but their personalities will.

6. He generally hates everyone.

7. By that I mean literally everyone.

8. Extreme mood swings.

9. He knows he's hot as fuck and sometimes uses it to his advantage.

10. What the actual fuck is wrong with his mind.

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