Chapter 23-Makes You Stronger

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Ok so Austin, Drake, Nicki, and Olivia are at the Dricki house relaxing on the couch watching TV...

Austin- Wow, this is just like old times. Right guys? The whole gang, together, chilling. It's like a- (gco)

Olivia- Shutup! Please shutup!

Austin-*sarcasm* Wow I really feel the love!

Nicki-Boy you are gonna feel my hand upside your head if you don't be quiet!

Austin-But I was just getting to my point! Olivia, do you love mommy?

Olivia- .... Yes. She's my mom...

Austin-Mommy, do you love Liv?

Nicki- Yes... She's my only daughter. (gets teary eyed) I live her to do death...

Austin-With that being said. Kiss and make up.

Olivia- Mom.... I'm sorry that I moved out. I didn't to hurt you. I never do anything to hurt you, I was being responsible and setting a good example for my children. (about to cry) But I'm staying with Cam'ron! I don't want my daughters to grow up in separate houses that are like an hour away from each other. A girls relationship with her father is so important and I don't want them to go through what I went through as a kid, always wanting that relationship and wondering the hell my dad was. I think since I never had that relationship, I was looking for love in all the wrong places... And that's why I'm going through all this right now. (crying) And I didn't mean what I told Drake at my baby shower (sob, sniff, sob) You can see your grand kids whenever you want...

Nicki-(crying) It means so much to me, to hear that. Because I know you're growing up, but you're doing it so fast and it makes me feel better to know that I did something right because you are an amazing girl Olivia. You're beautiful, smart, caring, and talented. I am so proud (wipes away a few tears) . And you are going to be such a good mom... I love you. And I'm sorry for being so angry and stubborn with you... Do you forgive me?

Olivia- Yes! I do! (hugs her) Mommy I love you... So much

Nicki-(hugging her back) Liv baby, I love you more

Austin- Awwww! I think I'm gonna cry! (jk) Dad, isn't tht sweet?

Drake-(waking up) Huh?

Austin- Are you kidding me?! You slept through that whole thing?!

Drake- Well yea, I was tired, we had a busy ass day! And stop raising your damn voice at me! U gave you that voice! I gave you life!

Nicki- Excuse me? Who birthed him??

Drake- Well I did like 37% of the work. You're mother did the rest

Nicki- Thankyou. Me and my baby made up

Drake- Really? Finally! Mother and daughter at peace at last!

Olivia-(laughed at Drakes dramatic reaction) Yep. Hey I should be getting home it's late. I love you all, see you later (leaves out the front door and calls a cab to take her home)

Meanwhile, back at Cam'rons house, with Cam and his old friend Manuel, who stopped by to visit along with his new girlfriend Imani. BTW, they are in the living room and Ty is upstairs taking a nap...

Cam'ron-(finishing a joke). So the bartender says "what's with the big pause?"

Manuel- (laughing hysterically) I don't know why I think that's so funny because it was corny as shit! But it made me laugh (phone rings and he answers it and leaves the room to go outside to the front yard to talk privately)

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