Just a Commentary

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This will literally be just something that really bothered me in the past few days.

Ok so, I have noticed lately that people tend to compare Arwen to Merthur, Merthur shippers, of course, trying to win some ground to Merlin and Arthur and Arwen shippers doing the same for their side. At some point, I'm sure, I did the same. Maybe even in one of my fanfics without even realising it, but as of late, I started to see how wrong we all are by even starting to compare.

Merthur shipper or not, you have to admit that what Merlin and Arthur have is way deeper than romance, friendship, or what people refer to using the word "love" that, if you ask me, doesn't prove anything. Arthur and Gwen loved each other, okay, I'll give Arwen shippers that, so what? They got married. Yeah, and? What did Gwen really do for Arthur, other than yelling at him once for being a jerk and pat his back when he was feeling down? Yes, while she was a good queen and a just, wise and kind woman, did she actually play an important role in Arthur's necessary development to become king? No, she didn't. But she loved him and he loved her. And then again, so what?

Merlin, on the other hand... I think you all understand where I'm going with this by now. Not only did Merlin turn the utter prat Arthur used to be into the king he had to become, but he was also there for Arthur, no matter what he needed. Yes, Gwen would offer Arthur moral support when she felt like he needed it, but Merlin was really the only one that was there when Arthur was frustrated and just needed to get it all out, or when he didn't know which way to go at the crossroads. I think Gwen wouldn't have been able to put up with Arthur had Merlin not  been there to endure the wrath every time the  prat felt like throwing a tantrum. Merlin was the only one who was there for Arthur in every way possible. And this is just one tiny example.

So then, I think we can all agree on the fact that what Arthur and Merlin had was so much more than love. I think you would reach the centre of the planet, digging your way down with your fingernails before you could completely understand and filter the depth and complexity of that relationship, of that connexion of raw feelings, of that purest form of affection that you could only describe as Merlin and Arthur.

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