Gossip Gossip

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"Come on, Gwaine, don't be ridiculous! There is now way Merlin is screwing the prince of Camelot!"

"That's right, Gwaine! I know you've been all around these lands, but Camelot is no fairy tail!"

"We live in a time where men, no matter how strong and brave, can't become knights if they are not noble born. My boy Lance here", the man stated while swinging his arm around Lancelot's shoulders in a friendly gesture, "demonstrated us all that you can be the most loyal and devoted man out there and still not have a shot. How could we believe that Merlin, our Merlin, a boy from a small village that owns the town tavern, would actually be bedding Arthur fucking Pendragon!"

"Finn here is right, Gwaine!"

All the men were laughing around the table, even Gwaine, despite his opinions being completely shut down.

"You laugh all you want, but when the Princess will be king and he and Merlin will walk around holding hands don't come tellin' me of the big news!" Gwaine answered on an overconfident tone, causing another round of laughter to erupt at the table. Lancelot was the only one who smiled and shook his head fondly.

"You speak of the prince like you've been friends for life", one of the guys that formed the tavern squad spoke, looking at Gwaine and shooting Merlin at the bar a side glance.

"Well, let's just say that me, Merlin and the princess have had a few encounters in the past."

"Oh so, what kind of encounters?"

"That, my friend, I can't tell!"

At that point, a wave of shouts and disapprovals covered all other noises in the tavern.

"Come on, mate! Let us on some of the good stuff!" one man yelled.

"Yeah, don't keep it all to yourself!" another whined.

"Who knew you were so secretive!"

"Let's buy him drinks! When he'll be drunk off his face he'll surely slip!" one proposed with enthusiasm.

Lancelot  took a sip out of his  tankard while smiling sheepishly at the curious men who would do anything for some good stories (or a good gossip -- don't judge there wasn't much for the entertainment back in those times). Better yet, when they weren't made up by a half drunk Gwaine. The man, of course, knew pretty much all there was to know about how Merlin met Gwaine and then about how the two met Arthur and may or may not have rescued the crown prince from certain death.

"You can try all you want, but I ain't tellin' ya a god damn thing!" Gwaine laughed at his almost desperate friends.

"I'll bet you!" one yelled.

"Is there a problem here?"

Everyone looked back up at Merlin and silence fell over the group of men. Even though the boy was as sweet, caring and, well, as Merlin as he could be, and even though he was friends with everyone that frequented the tavern, he imposed a fair amount of respect around the place. Even though nothing was on the table, every loyal customer knew about Merlin's magic. No one had proof of it, but they all knew it. Funny was that, it's right the people that were considered the pests of the society, and by that I mean the tavern frequenters, were the most open minded people in the whole kingdom. They knew no such thing as labels and a person was a person to them, no matter what blood flows through their veins, poor, noble, or of magic. They were accepting of anyone that could have a good time and a tankard of mead.

Nonetheless, the law of the tavern was set in stone. No written stuff, but you have to catch on with time. What Merlin says, goes. It was rarely that the boy actually exerted the power that people's respect gave him, for the simple reason that he hated having power over others, but when he did, no one dared say a word.

And now was one of those times. Maybe all the others didn't know, But Gwaine and Lancelot, who were the two people he could never part with, knew how he hated the rumours about him and the prat that was soon to be king. Not even his two best friends knew what was going on between the two boys, anyway, but they had a pretty good guess.

"Oh, nothing, nothing!" a man said with a dismissive gesture, putting an end to the somewhat tensioned atmosphere. "Hey Merlin, a refill, will you?" he then asked while lifting his empty tankard as an invitation. "Then come join us, you've been working yourself to the bone lately."

"Yeah mate! It feels as though you barely have any time for us!"

"Well, you know how it gets", Merlin grinned while filling tankards and gathering empty ones. "It's the end of the season. People just need some rest and a tankard of wine, you know?"

"That should go the same way for you, too, eh?" another said.

"Now, now. In a few days all will be over and I'll be joining you soon. Looks like you're missing getting your asses kicked at dice!" Merlin joked with a sly smile on his face.

Before he knew it, angry, revolted shouts rang around the tavern, all directed at him. It seemed no man could handle loosing. Even at a game.


"People are getting suspicious, Arthur", Merlin said with a warning look.

"What of?" Arthur asked, still panting heavily.

"Us", the brunette answered as he snuggled to the prince's side.

Arthur chuckled deep within his chest as he proceeded to wrap his arms around the naked frame of his lover.

"Let them talk all they like if they ain't got anything better to do!"

"Arthur, as much as I appreciate you not caring about this, do I really need to remind you what your father would do if he found out?"

"Don't worry, it will take long before my father will believe the tavern gossip."

"I do hope you're right!" Merlin answered a bit more at ease while placing a soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

"You giant girl, are you scared?" Arthur taunted as he rolled over so he could be on top, his hands now on either side of Merlin's head.

The boy just rolled his eyes and showed a sarcastic smile.

"Don't worry! I will always protect you, my love!" Arthur stated on an overdramatic tone while he placed his hand over his heart, as to accentuate his promise.

Merlin couldn't help but let out a heartfelt laugh at the big child in front of him, before answering, voice dripping with sarcasm:

"My knight in shining armour!"

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