
293 19 4

illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing
Minhos P.O.V
I made sure the bus left before looking for his hat. Why am I doing this again? I'm not one to care for much,  but I didn't want to go to school anyway. There was no use. Sure enough I turn the corner to see a maroon hat with the word: mouk. I pick up the soft garment, and chuckle. Mouk is a French children's show. Of course, no one would get the joke unless if they watched the show. I guess it's wearable if no one knows. Only a childhood friend or a family member would be close enough with him to get it.
I sling my backpack over and shove it in avoiding the bottles of lube and my messy papers. I had the same beanie as him, but I threw that away a long time ago.
I sigh deeply, regretting finding this so easily. I can't skip today, I have to give this back to him. Why can't he buy another one? I hop onto the next bus, and I see a masculine pink-colored hair boy. I'm not busy tonight, and I'm sure I've seen him at the club somewhere: probably on a girl though.
I sit a row in front of him diagonally, and as the bus stops a couple blocks from school, I turn to look at him. I lick my lips and bite down softly, winking.
To my surprise he raises an eyebrow and blows a kiss.
I walk down the aisle and hop my way down the platform and start walking.
It's about 12 when I get there, six period.
The freshman usually have that period. From the looks of it, he had his badge on even before school, indicating he's new.
I open the door and show my ID and walk past. I check the study hall room knowing he's *that* kid who actually cares about school.
So why was he late?
"Hey Ms. Seulgi. Do you know...." I stop myself in front of her.
"Who?" She says.
I pause and think.
Badge.... ID.....
"Uhh.... a Han?" His ID picture was cute, his smile seemed fake but all of ours are, nothing around that.
She averts her eyes to the attendance on the computer screen, I can tell from the reflection of her glasses. "Yes, he has study hall 5th period. Why?" She says, curiously looking up at me.
"Do you know where he headed?" I fidget with an eraser on the counter. I think I might get somewhere.
"He went out that door if that helps." She says, suddenly not caring.
"Cool thanks" I say quickly and start to jog out, uncomfortable by the situation.
I think. Shuffles... wide eyes.... slow answers.... he's probably an introvert. But my reading can be hard when everyone reacts like this while talking to me.
I spot my childhood friend Felix on the bleachers, and him and that thot Han guy was laughing next to him.
"Gday mate" he says as I casually take my time walking over, and two steps at a time I swiftly run up the stairs. Jisung freezes and starts to go a bit quiet.
"This is Jisung-" Felix starts, but he loses from my interruption.
"I know, I have his hat" Jisung blushes and looks up surprised.
"You found it?!" He says.
I pull out the hat, and it's covered in lube. Whoops. My box might've spilled. I shrug and throw it to him.
"WHAT IS TH- LUBE?!!" He says, holding it between his nails.
"Hey I got the fucking hat, the lube isn't used obviously so calm the fuck down."
"No no, thank you." He grabs his napkins and places the slightly damp hat on the napkin.
"You going tonight Felix?" I asked, referencing the club.
He quickly looks over to Jisung, smiling wide. Jisung looks miserable.
"I'm forcing him to go tonight. He's been single for awhile now and needs to get out there." He goes to cling on to Jisung and Jisung pushes him away.
"Not funny!" Jisung squeals and I realize I've been chuckling. They really seem like a cute friendship.
The way Jisung smiles, his moments soft and quick. His blushing puffy cheeks and his cute slouched back.
Jisung is looking back at me, and I can't help to wonder if he's thinking the same things.
Would he be a good one-nighter?
"Well goodbye thots I gotta shower and get ready for tonight." I say, and I turn to wink at Jisung. He blushes furiously and cowers down to hide his smile. I get a surge of something I've never felt before.
I walk down the steps and I can't hide the smile that holds my face.
I sigh, at first at the thought of Jisung, and then i think of all the things we could do together.
But he's straight.
I guess this will all have to wait; and I'm quite disappointed.

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