Bad Ideas

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Jisung shut the door behind him. He didn't understand why Minho left as well. He didn't want him to leave, and from the look on his face, he didn't seem like he wanted to either. Even after he left, Jisung knew that this newfound desire for Minho wouldn't leave his mind, which wasn't completely new to him.

I hope you don't think I'm rude, but I wanna make out with you. The step through this door wasn't new, the floor under showed through lightened color and splintering wood. The only difference now was that there were two doors, and this new one had better flooring, new and polished. The room was yet to be lit, but the air was warm, and the scent was filled with daffodils, chrysanthemums, a small scent of daisies, and bird of paradises. He smelled the scent of Minho, which reminded him of tulips.

Why would anyone want to date Jisung? He looked into the mirror in the hallway, right next to the framed pictures of a perfect family. How did Minho see him like this? Morning hair? Morning face?! Bare face?!
Jisung poker at the fat on his face, and picked out everything he hated about his face. The list was memorized although there seemed to be millions of things in his eyes. But Minho... he could wake up at 3 AM and still look beautiful. He was just such a gorgeous soul that it was easy for him to get with anyone. All Jisung could really think of was that he himself couldn't as easily as Minho. And I'm a little awkward, sure... But I could touch my face to yours... And no one ever called me smooth.. But I just wanna see the grooves between your hands, your teeth...Tell me, do you think about me?

His head crashed back onto the bed sheets, wishing something could distract him... or did he really? I just wanna kiss you//and even if I miss you// at least I'll know what it's like to have held your hand, oh!// But what would his parents think? They would hate him forever, and maybe throw him out...No-o, hey!Bad ideas, ay (oh!)//I know where they lead (hey, oh!)

But his hair, his eyes, the way he looked at Jisung was different. He'd care one second and be gone the next. His mind went forward and backward, thinking of all the beautiful things, but all the consequences that could come with it. But I have too many to sleep// And I can't get enough, no... Jisung went insane; thinking the same things over and over, repeating the same actions and getting the same result: I wanna kiss you standing up//Oh, no!//And if tomorrow makes me low (oh!)//Well it'd be worth it just to know// 'Cause I can't get enough, no//I wanna kiss you standing up
Felix's friend Jisung

I don't know what compels me... would being thrown out be that bad? Surely they wouldn't... To do the very thing that fells me//I wake up, still high on you//But by the night, I'm crashing through.. He wanted to ask him to come over again, but two nights in a week with a guy he just met sounded desperate. And maybe Minho doesn't want to come over.
So why'd I wanna kiss you//Even though I miss you// Guess I just wanted to know what it would feel like, oh!//Singing's a bad look on me//And if I'm talking honestly//It takes everything I got not to text, and I just want a kiss to get me through//
After sweeping for the fifth time, mopping for the fourth, eating for the 10th, and trying to sing, the day was over, and as he brushed his teeth for the third time today, he looked into his mirror for the second, trying to figure out his thoughts for... he stopped counting. 'Cause now all my bed-sheets smell like you,
So... my irlie (omfg I hate that I said that) or would you consider her an internet friend? I met her through some irls, but we met on the internet.... idk... I went to the red velvet concert with her actually, and she brought up wattpad and she's like lemme show you my fav author and I was like FloraTheWriter ? Bc I love her so much and so does she but THEN... she showed me my account... and I kinda froze....
Now I feel rly awkward writing....
Apparently she knew that the first skz fan fic I wrote was me and followed since, and I deleted the first one so don't try to look for it
But anyway
I feel rly awkward
Sophia if ur reading
Also!!! I'm going to start to pre write these books I've been thinking to write for months now. I will still update this book along with the rest I have, but these pre-writes will be so that if I hit a rough patch irl, I can still have something to upload and have it more frequent so therefore more content :))
Anyway, have a nice week! Until next time💌

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