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threatening, punitive, or vengeful
Jisung's P.O.V
I stare at the drink in front of me, the loud noises rapping at my heart. I turn to a slightly intoxicated Minho.
"Relax cutie. Wanna take a swig together?" His words slur a bit. His arm rests on top of mine and his other holds his glass. His eyes in the purple pink lights, the way his neck tilts back. I nod my head and on the count of three we drink. His soft hair lands on my shoulder and his slow breaths are felt on my neck. I want you, Minho.
His soft whispers are barely heard of the loud comess around us.
"Jisung" his voice a feather to my neck.
"What's it like to be committed?" His fingers play with the bottom of my shirt.
"What do you mean?" I'm utterly confused by the statement.
"I mean... look at you. You're religious, you care about school, you can come out of a completely unknown closet, and might I add a Lee Felix closet, and look like you rolled out of a vogue magazine. This is your first time drinking and you can handle it. Your skin is perfect, and your hair too. You're also straight, might I add. It takes commitment."
Am I religious, or is it my forced parents' opinions? I've been in Felix's closet quite a lot, so that is also quite false. I can't pull an outfit together and it's been a year since I broke up with... her. I still can't get over that. And yeah... I'm... straight.
"You need something to be committed to... I guess." He hums in response and his head stirs. His cold nose tickles my neck.
Minho's P.O.V
"Jisung, I think that's enough drinks." His head on my chest slurs in motion upwards. He hums a giggle.
"R-weeally? Hows 'bout, a mini tweeny other one, p-lwease?" His arms drop over my shoulders and he laughs in my shirt. His touch makes me fuzzy inside. I laugh and rest my head on his leaning back, my arms drape over his waist.
He hums another laugh.
"You're so fuzzy and cute, meeny.. you know that?" His pinches my cheeks with his fingers. His head reverts back my shoulder as he sits on my lap. Why is he so fucking precious and cute?!
A splash of cold air hits us, indicating the doors have opened. Two familiar faces and bodies walk through. The two demanding, non-consenting, loud ass males who never stop asking for more. I lift Jisung off of me.
"Jisung we have to go" he slouches his body back over me and moans. His body is heavy.
"Jisung" I whisper. I can't spot the rest of the group and start to panic. Triggering memories flash before me.
I can't let them hurt him, not like they did to me.
"My twummy hwurts" Jisung slurs. I try my best to rile him up, do something, get him off of me.
"Long time no see. Who's this?" I turn, and the most gut-wrenching, tear-jerking, venom-spilling emotions bottle up and burst.


Euphoria; Minsungحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن