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To enchant or fascinate someone
"I can't just sleep in your bed I barely know you." Minho snaps out of his absent-minded state. He only met this guy today, it would be moving to quickly...
But you're at his house
Well I'm trying to help him! I couldn't just leave him all alone... especially with them...
"But Minhooooo I'm cold all alone. It's raining outside!" Jisung sits up and crosses the legs while rubbing the sleep away. Minho can't help but to soften at the movements and pace. He eyes melt down to the puke on Jisung's shirt.
"Felix is going to kill me" Minho stressfully exclaims. That's the shirt his girlfriend gave him!
He scurries into Jisungs closet and grabs the comfiest clothes he can find, hoping the boy can shower the rain and the vomit off of him before he gets sick.
"You're going to take a shower." He demands, sighing. Jisung warily shows a confused expression as Minho walks over and picks him up, afraid he'll stumble or fall, anything to hurt himself. Likewise to the walk to his home, Jisung melts into the softest arms and falls asleep with the scent of Replay before he can answer back.
Like a father with a child, Minho walks to the bathroom he saw while walking in and plunked Jisung on the toilet cover.
He started up the shower and hoped it could wake Jisung enough for him to take a shower. Jisungs sleepy eyes look at the boy, he cannot help but be enchanted by his movements. Minho squatted down and gave him little slaps to the face to wake him up.
"Hey, the shower is warm! Ive got your clothes here and I'll clean these for you once your all dressed, okay?" Jisung gave a bit more of an energetic nod than before from his touch.
He chuckled at how adorable Jisung is. He seems more unique compared to the other men Minho has met. Jisung started to unbutton his shirt, and Minho quickly got up and jogged towards the door, giving him privacy. The poor drunk Jisung jogged up behind him.
"Don't leaveeeee meeeenyyyy I cu fall and burst my head" he chuckles before continuing.
"I'd be a gaycake... I mee a pancake" he shakes his head before peering through the crack between the door and the wall at the confused Minho. He made a face at the squirrel.
"No you cutie. I have to wash your clothes. I'll be back as soon as you finish so hurry up." He attempts a peck, but the intoxicated Jisung laughs and quickly pulls away before his lips could touch his nose.
Minhos P.O.V
You're lovely Jisung... you are.
Walking down the hall and throughout the house, a lot stands out. The house has a lot of artwork hung up along with photographs of dancing performances on the street. I notice the fluffy hair and puffy cheeks in a lot of them. Around the house, many family photos of certain events happening in the background loiter around. I can't help but stop and notice the perfect movie house family: a brother, a sister, a mom and a dad, and a dog and a cat. Two parakeets are perched on top of Jisung's two soft fingers. This explains the chirping I've been hearing. I run my fingers on the wall as I witness their timeline of their life. At a certain point, the girl is no longer in sight. She went to college I bet. Hopefully during thanksgiving they take another one. It seems to be years since these photos because of a Jisungs drastic glow up. My hands guide me to a doorknob under the stairs. I assume this is the laundry room if I've ever seen one, and when I open it's exactly what I assumed.
He's probably hungry, he needs to feel the best for school tomorrow.
I prepare a sandwich from the chicken lunch meat, cheese, bread, and lettuce that was sitting in the fridge along with a glass of water after the load and head upstairs. I assume he's in his room, but he's still in the bathroom when I knock.
"Come in." I hesitate at first, but slowly I open and heave a sigh. He's dressed.
"I made some food and got you water. If there's one thing I know how to do is hide a hangover as best as possible-" the soft soul stumbles and I grab onto his arms to stable him.
My eyes widen and tear at what I see on them. The soft skin has imperfections. His soft soul suffers underneath.
"Ji-" before I can finish, he lets go and does a little dance to his bedroom. He's happy.
"Let's go eat! Yummy in my tummy" I shake the tears away and rub my own arms and wince at what he's been through. His little aeygo makes me laugh and have a physical cringe attack. Why is he so fucking cute??!
"Sandwiches..." he says and plunks down on the bed. His tone trails off onto the longest and deepest road.
"I'm sorry it's not a cooked meal but it can help, and I'm not used to... your kitchen" Jisung takes a huge bite and beams up at me.
"It's perfect" he sniffles and breaks the beam down to his half eaten sandwich.
"My sister would make these for me when we were younger. It's the only thing she obviously could make. She would cook for us all the time afterwards. She loved food." He says, and a sigh that follows quivers.
I want to know him.
What is to this boy that I cannot understand yet?

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