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elegance or neatness of literary or artistic style
Jisungs POV
His hands slowly run through my hair. His eyes focus above mine, and he slows his movement.
I clear my throat.
"Uhm... Minho?" I nervously lean back and clench the dresser underneath me.
In the corner of my peripheral vision, I note Felix paused his game silently and was peering into.... whatever this was. I look at him and he smiles and turns his game back on. His smile doesn't fade and neither does the blush on my cheeks and sweat on my palms.
"Lee know babe we have to go" Felix sings shortly after turning his game back on. He flaps his knees, butterfly style. I mentally thank Felix for saving me.
Minhos eyes slowly walk down my hair to meet my eyes. The trance he was in leaves him and he snaps back into reality rather quickly and smirks.
He leans in and wiggles his eyebrows, "you looked a bit disheveled" he softly says and headed towards the door.
I swallow a hard lump and look into the mirror across from me. I guess he was right. I suppose? I study my reflection a bit more. Do I look the same?
We order an Uber to the club and wait on the porch for it to arrive. I glance at Minho, and feeling unsatisfied i take in another.
You're beautiful Minho, you know that? You know how gorgeous you are? The way your face expressed boredom while you look to your phone, and how it changes to extreme excitement when you found a funny post. Your smile and the way you laugh, but it can easily change to a serious expression and kill anyone instantly. Your perfect p-
"Thank you" Felix opens the door while on the phone and we walk to the car sitting in the middle of the street. He sits in the center of the backseat while Minho and I sit on either side of him. They both look quite happy in their conversation.
What am I doing here? My parents left and I do this? This isn't me... this isn't me... I can't control the situation now...
My hands move faster between each other and it's getting hotter and harder to breathe.
Should I ask them to go without me? Something colder touches my sweating hands and I look up to Felix, his hands in mine feel refreshing. Minho turns off his phone and looks at me. For once, he's sincere too.
"You don't have to do this if you can't handle it. I can bring you home if you don't want to come with. Hey" his head pulls closer to my embarrassed heated face.
"I got you" he says. I swallow harshly. I don't want to do this.
"Actually I-" I pause and Felix signals the drivers attention.
"I want to go" I say quicker before it's too late and force a smile. If you can't cry, laugh I guess. I awkwardly laugh and pull a clump of hair behind my ear.
"I just haven't been... uh... 'shopping' uhhh... for people.. aha... in awhile." Felix looks to Minho quickly to look for some approval. He's looking back at his phone again, losing interest.
He comes close and whispers into my ear, "we can leave whenever" and his hand stays in mine.

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