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1.positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy. 2. Belonging to or relating to heaven

The boys slid into their jackets, Minho giving Jisung a bit more help as he shakily held it out, afraid to put it on the wrong way.
Baby, don't be scared. I'm right here. That's all Minho ever wanted to say. Jisung locked the door, while Minho peered over him. Minhos eyes glazed over to the white knuckles from Jisung gripping so tight, afraid his legs will give out.
I'll help you, my dear.
He slid his arm between Jisungs body and his arm, giving him more support in case if his legs did give out.

The boy trembled quietly while they walked. Minho couldn't bare the sight of Jisung being cold. He stopped walking, causing Jisung to stop too and turn to him, while he zipped up his jacket all the way, pulled over his hoods, and gave him the gloves in his pocket. As they began walking, Minho slid his arm around the boys shoulders, hoping a hint of blush would show through. Jisung's wide, full of fright eyes looked up at him. His eyes reflecting the moon.
The night was quite silent and humid, although cold at the same time. The breath between them sucked in and out quietly, while drips of rain dropped from trees and lamplights ever so often.
The greenery, the black, 3 AM sky, and the street lamps remind the boys of their separate childhoods. They both ran, with different friends, and at that time, different streets; different worlds.
"Here? I don't k-know, m-Minho-" the boy cuts off his worry, reading his face in the dark light.
"Hey, it's going to be okay." He makes the boy turn towards him.
"I've got you" he nods his head, enforcing his reassurance.
"B-but what about je-jellyfish that sting?" Minho hushed him, this time by squeezing his hand. When did I pick that up?
His feet sank in the sand that was pulled from the salted water, coming forward, and swaying back. The calm, swayed patterns mesmerized Jisung, making him forget about all of the negative thoughts that once rushed through his head.

"But they're still beautiful. I love jellyfish. You know, they're taking over the world. Fish and jellyfish eat the same thing. The more we eat fish, the more overpopulated jellyfish get, because they don't have fish to fight with, yah? They're beautiful. One jellyfish called the irukanji grows to a centimeter big, and that's adult size. It's small and clear, but their venom is on their bell and on their tentacles." He kicks the sand lightly, looking downwards. His face, highlighted by the moon and the darkness that surrounds it, is so mesmerizing that Jisung cannot take his eyes off of him, listening intently. His voice is soft as the ripples and acne scars on the moon and through the water. Jisung could just fall asleep right here, and be comforted by his warm presence and the scenery around him.
"Their venom is so... toxic.. that if you pinch yourself for a minute, and then times that pain by 1000, for two days. It hurts that bad. You can die from it."
Jisung doesn't know what to say to this, but he senses Minho hasn't finished; he's just trying to find the right words.
"Jisung... I don't- they're gorgeous. Like roses, they're beautiful, but never vulnerable. They've been around since dinosaurs and slowly taking over the world. Silently.." he looks to the boy, looking for some sort of a hint of emotion.
"Silently... I root for them. The ocean has so many beautiful, but deadly things. Ignorance really is bliss when it comes to the ocean."
Jisung nods, looking down at the water beneath him. Only one other person I knew has a voice as smooth as his.
"When I was four, my sister told me all about the ocean. All that she could find. Everyday we'd come to the beach, and she'd tell me a new thing everyday. Unfortunately, her talk made me afraid of the waters..." the boy trails, and shakes his head furiously, starting to cry.
Minho pulls him into a warm hug. You smell like her. The smell doesn't make him want to vomit, but he feels comfort. He feels the presence of her, inside of Minho.
"Let's sit by the dock, yeah?" He says softly, not wanting to hurt the boy further, comforting him with his words.
They walk slowly, hand in hand to the dock.
Jisung feels the olders arms wrap around him, lifting onto the dock. Minho jumps up, collecting himself before sitting himself next to Jisung and grabbing his hand.
"I come here to think a lot. I feel another... presence here, even when there's not. It's rather comforting. I feel like... my emotions can be sorted here. I often come here to clear thoughts, and admire the view in front of me."
Jisung only could nod, he could only nod a little harsher than usual. Hoping the tears would shake out before Minho saw.
The night my sister left,
She took her favorite picture of us under the moon, at this exact beach.

They told us she ran into the water, hoping to never come out.

I can only imagine the sweater I used to wear of hers, the sweatpants she wore all the time to cover what she thought wasn't beautiful. Did she even know I ever looked up to her? How everyone loved her for who she was?

The cold water splashing her senses awake further. The amount of pain she must've had. Did she even think of me?

Under the dock, I found our box. It contained our picture, a letter written to me, our childhood beanie, an origami heart box, polaroids of us, and our family pictures of her friends kissing me, sharing their undeniable love for me. Two sticks and a stone with shoelaces.They bonded over me.

Did she even think of me?

She poured her heart into that box.

The box, her life, would be left under the beach.

Whether she meant for us to find it, or have it buried under the sand, maybe one day reaching the ocean.

Just like how her soul did too.

And oh do I miss you, and oh do I wish you never left.

Where would I be without you? Without the memory of you??

I long to have you back. To smell your hair again, for you to push me on to swing so much I fall. For my three year old self to crawl up onto you during a storm in your dimly lit room, while you stroke my hair and sang me lullabies on the rocking chair.

Marina, you promised me to love the world I was born in. You told me to never hold back, to live to the fullest extent, to make up what you felt that you have lost.

How can I love, knowing that you felt like you weren't?

Sorry if this isn't good or anything, I'm trying to use this book to cope. I won't go into details, but my friend recently attempted suicide, and because of this, im having flashbacks to someone who I did lose, and multiple who've I've almost lost to. Instead of blocking myself off from art, taking a break, i can't let this sadness go to waste, or it did truly take precious life time. So please, for me, tell the people you love everyday that you love them. Don't ever be afraid to reach out for help. I know it's hard, but trust me there are people who care about you. I'll always be available to talk to, and we can get through it together💖
I hope you all are doing well💕

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