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a confused or noisy situation
Minhos POV
"Have a good day" we mumble a thank you and leave the vehicle. I watch the car drive away, my eyes trickle over to Jisung. The sun set rays flash in my eyes at Jisungs cross necklace. His smooth cheeks and his soft gestures almost make me melt and vomit at the same time. He really shouldn't be here. He'll see the true person I am. What will he think of me? Fucking hell I already know what he'll think of me. The necklace already shows his opinion.
His phone slips behind him and he turns to start walking towards the entrance. Felix is on the phone. I turn to grab his arm and the same expression he gave awhile ago crosses over his face.
"Relax, your necklace." I say. His head looks down to my fumbling fingers. His body obeys to what I said. After a couple of times, I manage to slide the thin material underneath his crop top and he looks up at me.
A surge of pain rises to my eyes.
He reminds me so much of...
"Alright. Hyunjin and Changbin are here. Chan needs to get something so he's going to come a bit later."
Changbin? Chan-.... Changbin....
I can't help but to chuckle.
"Aha, I'mfucked lets go" I mumble quickly. Jisung, confused, glances over at me. I link my arm around his and together we walk in. He's unsurprisingly very warm. We pull in and I scan the familiar club around me. It doesn't take long for us to spot Hyunjin and Changbin. Hyunjin has his head in the crook of Changbin's neck, his head tilted upwards and his lips puckered. Venom spills through my lungs.
"Felix-" I turn to cover him but he's seen what I've seen before I can stop it.
"Let's go." He says hoarsely. A shiver runs down my neck from his cold tone and quick, strong movements. Felix sits in the middle and to his right are Jisung and I and to his left are Hyunjin and Changbin.
"The usual. Add another of Vodka." Felix's harsh tone doesn't leave. Hyunjin and Changbin slip out of their world and Hyunjin comes to give us all hugs.
"I kissed you guys" Jisung can't hold in his own laughter and spits out his drink of water. The waitress comes quickly with a towel and winks at him. He nervously glances at her, and from the vibe I can tell she's not the one to stop when she hears no.
Hyunjin giggles and stumbles over to me.
"I mean I kiss... I miss you" his weak, shaky arms drape over me and I give him a glare. Jisung turns his sight to us.
He can't know.
"Aha... I miss you too Hyunjin." I can't help but to chuckle at Hyunjin vulnerable state. The way he is flopping everywhere like a newborn duckling. He always has reminded me of a duckling. He'll follow you around the house when you want to get something done. He'll watch you playing games or doing homework. You know what he wants. He only ever wants cuddles.
"Ahhhhh Woojinnie" Hyunjin falls over to the confused Jisung.
"Wooji- I'm... im not- I don't think we've me-" Jisung is cut off by Hyunjins draped arms and sloppy kiss on his cheek. I always knew Hyunjin wasn't one to keep his love for one and often.... makes mistakes.
I quickly pull him off before Felix and Changbin see, knowing both of them will get jealous.
"Jinnie-" his head rolls over to me and he slumps onto me.
"Let's get that wheat" his Hugh pitched voice is muffled by my sweatshirt. I can't help but to chuckle.
"No... wait... soy was it?" He looks up from my chest.
"Woah there bud" I turn him over to Felix instead of Changbin, and Felix gladly takes a clearly, very intoxicated Hyunjin over to him.


Euphoria; MinsungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang