Every little cog

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Grandfather's pov

Well dear reader I suppose you might wonder why I chose to take on Emma's training myself. Well in order for a machine to work every cog must cooperate and preform its designed tasks. Emma is simply a rusty cog in need of some work. Work that i felt needed to be done by myself regardless of what my partners may say about ditching paperwork for a couple of days every now and then to help a struggling caregiver.

You see I bought this island and started this community with every move carefully planned out. The school and community would be monitored by the Safety Patrol ensuring that rules were be followed and the caregivers had a support network. The caregivers jobs were to take these broken humans and mold them into the perfect littles to be auctioned off to mommy's and daddy's willing to pay top dollar for their sweet little ones.  I suppose that profiting off the sale of people makes me a monster. I watch bids easily skyrocket over a million.  however I do love everyone in this community .... you see they are my family. It warms my heart to see life slowly come back to these individuals. We have a thorough screening process that ensures every adult  brought in is capable of providing a safe home and most do stay with in our city.

Emma's POV

Watcha doing Grandfather? I ask looking up from the picture i was colouring. " Just writing a story to future me." " Can I hear it"  I ask.             "It's rather dull I'm afraid. However why dont we go to the family room and I'll read you something more suitable?" He says wrapping me in a hug and kissing my forehead. "I'd like that.


" well there goes your busy sex life" Chris nudges me after screwing the final screw into the crib that stood beside my bed. "it's just for a little bit until I can be sure she wont take off on me plus there are still plenty of places to make love in this apartment." " I'm really proud of you. look at all the work you've done today. Little proofing , creating a schedule, all the house work and you still plan on starting that course tonight bravo."  " I just want Emma back asap you know." Yeah as much as  Carly drives me nuts I have to say she has some really sweet moments."

" You've done some really good work with that one. I heard she went all of yesterday without pitching a fit"

" if she can last more than a week without Grandfather says she'll be adopted by the end of the month. I'm going to cry when she leaves"

" Its the way it is bro but those parents would be stupid to not have you as a sitter"

Grandfather's POV

I smile down as Emma sleeps peacefully in my arms she fell asleep during the second book. this peaceful moment was interrupted by Chase my assistant. "Sir, the field team is looking for their target reports." "Tell them they will have them soon. " I said standing up to head to my desk. " "I can take her. I have a few errands to run for you but I'm sure she'll stay sleeping in the stroller" " ok but, dont forget to buckle her in and bring a care bag with you in case she wakes up. I'll text you when I'm done and you can return her to me." " I wont let you down sir".

Emma's POV

I wake up being pushed through an office supply store. " Where are we Grandfather?" " Sorry hun Grandfather has some work to do. so I brought you along on my little adventure. I'm chase, I'm Grandfather's helper." " Nice to meet you" I say stretching as much as the straps would allow. " May I walk with you please?"  " Wow you have some good manners but this is a big store and I want you right where I can see you." But ..!" he comes around with a bag. " why dont we find you something to play with and something to drink. You must be thirsty after your long nap." He was surprisingly skinny and a little short  with very little muscle mass but I guess he wouldn't need them working in the office. He placed a dress up sticker book and a sippy cup of water on the tray of the stroller. " um thank you." I was kind of glad for it when we stopped at the paper section. I can hear him struggle to lift a box and some foot steps come up to him. "Wow bean pole didnt think Grandfather would let you out of the office and on your own tsk tsk. Seems like you're having some issues with that box if you ask me like a good little boy I'll help you lift it." Yeah little boy"  " No thank you Dan I've got this and I really must be going." He sounds really annoyed. I hear a slap and the sound of the box hitting the floor. " awe the poor little guys scared"  " Leave him the fuck alone!!" I yell fighting the straps. " oh hello princess it's ok calm down Dan's just playing with him". one of his posse comes over to me with a sickening sweet tone. " its really naughty to swear though darling." " Its also real naughty to bully people" I say as she lifts me up. I see Dan with Chase in his arms throwing him up in the air. " Help! Put him down" I start kicking and screaming until finally someone comes to the rescue. "Dan that's enough Put Chase down now" She had a no nonsense look on her face. "Oh hello VP,  we were just having some fun" " Is that why there's a screaming little and an innocent man being thrown in the air? I suggest you return him to the ground, apologize and be on your way if you dont want to spend more than a month in after school and lunch detention. "  Sorry Chase" I'm handed over to VP. " And if I hear of this again Mr President will be in charge of the punishment. " thank you VP I say giving her a big hug. "Yeah thank you VP" Chase said going redder by the second. She packs him on the Cheek no need to be embarrassed Dan's an idiot. You know I was going to go for a treat at the Bakery if you know a duo who would like to join." Pleeeaaase? I beg. Alright but only because  you're a brave little trooper and it's next to our last stop"

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