Hold Me

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 Emma's Pov

I didn't recognize the room I woke up in and it certainly wasn't the couch i fell asleep on. I was terrified and i wanted... no.. i needed Marky or Nono. I was crying hard but i managed to yell for them. The lights flick on and I see Mark standing in the door way. " Hey Angel, whats the matter?"He cood pulling me out of the crib and into his arms." Im scared Marky" I admit digging my face into his neck. " Lets go get you a baba to calm down and we will rock in the chair while you tell me what has my princess so upset" he kissed my forehead before taking off into the kitchen. He held me in one arm while making me the bottle and hummed an unfamiliar tune. I was calm and comforted but a couple tears would slide down my cheeks every so often. 

He cradles me in the wooden rocking chair in the corner of my bedroom."Now little one whats so scary? " " I didn't know where i was or where you and nono were and the room was scary." I see sweet thing. Waking up in a dark unfamiliar place must of been spooky. But I promise you are safe and after I tuck you back in bed I will turn on a night light for you." "Can I sleep with you. pleeeaasee?" I whine not wanting him to leave. "Sorry sweet girl you need to sleep in your crib but i will stay with you until you fall asleep." "But." Before I could finish he sticks the bottle in my mouth. "don't argue with me. You are safe, nothing is going to  hurt you especially when Clifford the  world's best watch dog guarding you". He starts humming all the pretty little ponies and I become so relaxed I drift back to sleep before I could finish drinking.

Noah's POV

I wake up anxious for the day. It's Emma's first day back at daycare and i know shes not ready. I called Grandfather and begged him to let one of us stay home with her but, he denied my request claiming that she would be fine. I was so deep with worry i was struggling with my tie. Mark sneaks up to hug from behind and kiss me on the cheek." She's gunna be fine my love. She'll  get caught up playing with Joey and even if she breaks down you'll be there to help pick her up" "I just.." Mark covers my mouth with his hands "stop I don't want to hear another word from you. You are an amazing caregiver. her temporary separation anxiety will only get worse if you feed into it". He removes his hand from my mouth to tie my tie and kisses me on the lips when he finishes. "Now can you please go get Emmy ready while i make breakfast."  "it would be my pleasure" i say with a smile. this man makes me feel  like i can do anything.

I take a moment to admire my peaceful sleeping beauty still curled up with Clifford before gently running my hands through her hair causing her to stir. Her beautiful blue eyes meet mine and a smile starts to form on her face."Morning Noah". Good morning sweet girl its time to get dressed for school. Ive got this cute kitty overall dress for you and a snuggly turtle neck." I pick her up and feel her hold on tight. " Please Nono I don't wanna go. I wanna stay with you." she cried. " You need to go to daycare today. I promise everything will be ok and I will come get you at the end of the day. So, you need to be my good brave girl and get ready to go". "ok" she peeps as I set her down she doesn't even make eye contact as I get her dressed.

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