10. Boom

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I wish I was a turtle so I could shrink back into my shell. Instead, I straighten my shoulders and glance at the four faces staring back at me expectantly. Chewing the last of my dessert, I dust my hands off on my jeans.

"It's true."

There's no point in hiding the truth now. Besides, that's why they're all here to begin with, right?

"That's why I invited you all here tonight, actually," I tell them. "I was hoping you'd all get to meet her, but it got to be too late."

"Wow," is all Gavin says, his expression void of any judgment or hostility. Instead, he just looks genuinely surprised.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Mike's voice sounds flat and I feel my heart squeeze when I glance over and see the tightness in his jaw. I always just assumed it was my business. I had no reason to go out of my way to announce I'd had a kid, especially when I hadn't really been keeping in touch with any of the guys at the time. Now, I'm seeing differently. These guys really care about me. Whether we talk on a daily basis or an annual one, they still care about my life.

"I'm sorry," I apologize. "You were gone, Mike. I had no way to tell you. As for everyone else," I shrug. "I didn't want to sound boastful, and somehow when I imagined myself telling you all about her, it felt boastful in my head. Like 'I've got a kid, what are you doing with your life?' kind of way."

"Is that how you feel?" Mike asks, his voice solemn with a tinge of curiosity.

"Not at all!" I'm quick to respond. "No. If anything, I'm the idiot who jumped the gun and has to pay the consequences. And there have been a lot of consequences. I'm still trying to get my feet back on the ground. Honestly, I think a part of me was ashamed to tell you guys the truth. I was always praised for being responsible and sensible, and then I went and got knocked up. It's humiliating."

"Hey," Gavin says smoothly, dropping his roasting stick on the ground even after Silvia asks if she can have it. "Things happen," he goes on to say, completely ignoring his sister's grunts of annoyance. "There's no shame in mistakes until you continually do them, and even then, people need to learn that there's not a person on this planet who hasn't done the same stupid thing over and over. You're human, Lindsey. Deal with it."

"You know," I say, tapping my chin thoughtfully. "You can actually be really wise when you're not drunk out of your mind."

"Um... thank you." He grins proudly before slapping his palms against his thighs and standing. "Welp, all that wise-talk has drained me. I'm gonna get going."

"Okay." I stand and offer him a tight hug, one filled with gratitude and love. "You're amazing, you know that?" I say against his ear before releasing him.

"Oh yeah," he agrees, his face twisting into one that says 'you're just now figuring that out?'

"And egocentric, but hey," I throw my hands up with a small shrug, "we've all got our faults."

"True that," he agrees, squeezing my forearm before hollering for Silvia and Isaac to get lost.

"Lindsey does not want you here," he tells her. "Especially after the way you outed her in front of everybody. Not cool, brat. Not cool."

"Oh, hey," I call after him just as he's about to step through the side gate. "Would you guys mind keeping this to yourselves for now?" I shoot Mike a look to let him know I'm talking to him too. "I'd like to give Andy and Chris the news myself."

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