28. Satan

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The weeks turned into months and life seemed to settle into a calming sway of normalcy. Andy and I have grown closer. I'd even be so bold as to say we're dating—kind of. We've just chosen to forego labels or expectations to avoid any pressure. It's been relaxing and easy as we've both worked through our struggles and sought healing.

Andy hadn't been ready for commitment—even I could see that—but things are changing. He has a real job now—a good one—and he hasn't stepped foot inside a casino since the day he confessed his addiction with me. Not that he hasn't struggled. Heck, he still struggles. But he has three priorities that come before his need for gambling now: Haley, his job, and me.

I remember life following Andy's admission. We'd started spending more and more time together, both of us hungry for the others' support. We talked and grew and opened ourselves up to the possibility of being vulnerable again. There was even one weekend where Andy came over to check in on me and ended up entertaining Haley for three hours. I had thought she was in love with Chris, but after watching her squeal in delight, eyes lit up with affection as Andy flew her around the living room like Peter Pan, I knew who her heart belonged to. Coincidentally, it was the same man my heart wanted.

Even after he'd left that day and I had crawled into bed, I couldn't get their laughter to fade from my mind. Watching as he'd spun her around, her little arms spread out beside her as she'd closed her eyes and gurgled incoherently for more. At the time, I'd hated letting my thoughts go there, but I couldn't refrain from picturing the three of us... a little cottage along the lake, Andy and I curled up in a blanket on a hammock while watching Haley throw rocks at tadpoles. My chest had ached for the dream to be a reality but the time hadn't been right. That was two months ago, and in two months so much has changed. Andy has changed.

Now, sauntering into work on a Monday morning, I find myself settling into my seat beside Abby and spinning around until I'm facing her. I watch her type a few last things into the computer before she drops back in her seat and tilts her head in my direction.

"What?" she deadpans, picking up her soda and taking a chug.

"Hey, Abby?" I question, a smirk tilting up my lips. All the eight o'clock patients are checked in and waiting to be called back, the phone isn't ringing for my attention, and I've got no filing that needs to be done. So now is the perfect opportunity. "How long have you been doing origami?"

I should have confronted her about this months ago, but after Mike's confession, I just assumed Jessie was responsible for everything. The fact that she might be connected in some way vanished from my thoughts. Today though, I needed answers.

"Eh," she shrugs, glancing upward as she thinks. "Maybe five years. How did you kno—... Oh." Her face pales slightly, worry skittering into her brown eyes. "Crap. There goes my free pedicures." She sighs. "How long have you known?

"Little over a week," I tell her casually, playing with a stack of post-it notes. "Just to be sure, you're weren't the one leaving me love notes a couple of months back, were you?"

She chokes, one hand flying to her throat and the other waving itself in the air as she shakes her head side-to-side. "No," she laughs, still working to compose herself. "Oh, no no no. Wait, you thought I was writing love notes to you?"

"At first, yeah," I shrug, unperturbed by her question. "You sign your name with the exact same 'A' that's on some of the notes. I think I know who they're from, but I'd like you to confirm it for me."

"Okay," she gives in. "Let me explain." She spins to face me and then clasps her hands together, quirking her head with an amused grin. "Firstly, sorry for making you think I had some secret infatuation with you, but I actually prefer my men dark, foreign and disgustingly fit. Secondly, I'm not really sure who the guy is that's sending you the notes."

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