29. Protector

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It's nearly midnight by the time I pull up outside of Andy's house and shut off my engine. I hadn't intended on coming here but I need to see him. When I don't see his car parked outside, I have a second of panic and then I remember he lost it in a poker game. Still, that doesn't mean he's home. He could still be out gambling away the last few dollars in his wallet.

Stepping out of my vehicle, I slip around the side of his house and tap on his window. Seconds tick by and I can't stop myself from shifting from one foot to the other while I wait. I knock again, this time a little louder and then turn to make sure no neighbors are watching. I'm just about to give up, thinking he's probably not even home, when I hear shuffling on the other side of the wall. A moment later, his curtain is pushed aside and his sleepy eyes meet mine.

He grins, yawning as he unlatches his window and shoves it up.

"Lin Diesel," he greets, voice deep and raspy with sleep. "Hey." His lips are curved up into a lazy smile as his eyes trail over my face. He rubs the sleep away from his eyes and blinks a couple times before motioning with his head for me to climb through.

I struggle through, Andy's hands reaching out to help lift me into the opening. I chuckle when I slip and a grunt leaves Andy's throat as he stumbles to keep a firm grip on me. His laughter blends with mine as we both strain to get me through the tight space. Surely I haven't gained that much weight. I mean, I'm not fat; I'm just completely un-athletic, which is making this simple activity a total pain in the butt.

"Why not just use the front door?" I grunt, doing my best to pull my way inside.

"What's the fun in that?" Andy laughs.

I'm slightly out of breath by the time I squeeze through the small window and I quickly stand, dusting off invisible dirt before pushing my hair off my shoulders and tilting my head up to meet Andy's amused—only slightly more alert—gaze.

"Hi," I mutter with a tired exhale.

Andy doesn't respond for a moment, his expression going from pleasant to worried within a matter of seconds. His brows dip as he observes my posture and then he's pointing questioning eyes at my own.

"What's wrong?" he asks, his face void of fatigue now that he's realized I'm here for a specific reason.

Rubbing a hand over my cheek, I lick my lips and then proceed to tell Andy everything that happened tonight. I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes because I know exactly how this news will affect him. So instead, I take a seat on his bed and stare at my fingers. When I've divulged every detail, I peer up at Andy only to find him with arms crossed, eyes blazing, and jaw jumping as he clenches and unclenches his teeth. I'm still startled every time I see such anger on his face. I've always known Andy as the compassionate, sweet, even-tempered one in the group. Since being roped into my drama, something's shifted in Andy... as if he's been awakened to a need to protect me. It's both flattering and confusing.

"You did the right thing," he encourages once I've finished, reaching over and taking a gentle hold of my wrist as he runs his thumb along the back of my hand. "That guy's a complete prick. He needs to understand he can't just push you away and then pull you back whenever it suits him. If he can't see how damaging that is, then he doesn't love you the way he should."

"Yeah," I nod, glancing down at his hand on mine. "There's something else," I mention casually, peering up at Andy beneath my lashes.

I'd left out the detail about Jessie getting mildly physical with me, but I've always been incapable of holding my tongue around Andy. He knows everything about me now and I plan to keep it that way. My chest is building with a pressure that will only subside once I've released this ugly, scary fear growing inside of me, and since a relationship can't be built on half-truth's, I decide to tell Andy everything.

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