• Chapter 0.1 •

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Experiment 34

The room that the brunette woman was in was dimly lit with one spot light placed over her body

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The room that the brunette woman was in was dimly lit with one spot light placed over her body. The walls were cement blocks that were the color of ash grey to cover in stains that could have happened with past patients. The floor was pearl white tile, allowing the doctor's shoes to click whenever he tapped his shoes. Classical music was playing off an old record player, flowing around the room while the girl was grimacing in pain, feeling something cutting into her side and she pulled her arms, feeling them restrained. Her body was over a stainless steel table, strapped down to protect the doctors and nurses that surrounded her.

The little girl opened her eyes, feeling a tear fall and slide down her cheek as her vision was blurry. She felt a knick in her abdomen as she jumped, the doctor pulling away from his work and seeing the young girl awake. "Ah, good afternoon." He greeted to the thirteen year old.

She was going to speak, but her voice was caught in her throat and her eyes widened when nothing sounded out. The man rolled his eyes while he watched her panic, trying to get out of the cuffs that were wrapped around her wrists and ankles. "You can't speak because we removed your vocal chords. Your screaming was blocking my creativeness." He told her, the little girl wanting nothing more than to escape from this man.

The doctor saw this, a big smile crawling over his face. "You can try and escape, but just know that you won't succeed. Many have tried, but they crawl back." He said with a chuckle, the girl watching as he dug a scalpel into her side as she gasped out. "You have the most incredible muscle definition for a girl your age." He stated in amazement.

The girl wanted so badly to cry out, the only thing escaping were breathless noises and tears streaming down her body. What she couldn't see was her skin peeled back from her stomach to the bottom of her ribs. He was recreating her from the inside out, starting at her feet which were the first as he had taken her bones and covered them with a metal plate.

He was now stitching pieces of metallic thread inside her muscle fibers, one by one as the girl was silently praying it would end soon. She could feel every poke he drew in and out and she then saw the door open.

"Sir, we have a problem." He told him, the doctor sighing and giving the soldier a look.

"How many times must I tell you, don't interrupt my work!" He screamed, getting down from his bench and walking away as the girl stayed still, closing her eyes and her lips shaking.

"This is an emergency. We've received calls from other bases of being found around the area. We must relocate or whoever is trying to find us could possibly get to us." He tried to explain to the doctor as he scoffed.

"Please, this is the most secure base we have here on Stockholm. Who would ever want to find were HYDRA is anyway?" He asked and the man cleared his throat, his eyes darting toward the girl's body as she gave him a look with pleading eyes to help her.

"U-um, all we know is the organization. SHI-"

"SHIELD..." He muttered, spitting on the ground as he turned quickly to walk back over to the girl. "They are just trying to stop our work. We are trying to save the world." He said, the man taking the girl's skin and moving it back down over her body as he smiled at his work. "And experiment thirty four will be down within the next treatment. Her building process is just completed." He told the soldier.

He the pushed his glasses up his nose while his beady eyes darted back towards the soldier. "Now, leave me to my work." He said, the soldier nodding his head.

"Yes sir." He muttered, walking out of the lab and the girl looked back over to the doctor, placing his hand over her cheek.

"You will soon be able to talk. I'll give you back your voice after the last step." He said, grabbing a large needle while the girl wiggled and tried to get away again. "But for now, it's time for you to go to sleep." He mumbled, placing the needle into her arm, the medicine flowing through her veins and she fell into a deep slumber.


Samantha woke up back on a mattress of sorts. It was lumpy, some spots poking into her back as she grimaced in pain, rubbing at her throat and feeling a small line of stitches that went down towards the middle. She frowned, opening her mouth to speak as she let out a small grunt, but her voice was there.

She swallowed thickly and got up, groaning out when her whole body hurt. She stayed still, looking down and seeing that small incisions were made everywhere around her body. She looked up and saw the black metal bars still surrounded her as she dropped her head in defeat.

This place was real... so real that her heart started to pound in fear. What was going to happen to her? What was happening to her? An experiment? To save the world. She remembered those words passing the doctor's lips from when she was conscious.

Just as she was about to try and stand, the large metal door opened to show another soldier. This one was a woman, her hair a pale blonde and her face stern with one thin scar that went down her chin and down towards her chest. She was carrying a tray of food and she slid it under the bars and towards the thirteen year old's feet.

"Eat." She commanded, leaving the girl to herself again as she looked down at the food and frowned when it was just a stale piece of bread and a small glass of water.

This was going to be a painful life.


And so here you have a chapter of how life is going for Samantha. Just warning you now that this book contains gross images, so I'm sorry for that. Please leave a comment, vote, and follow! Thanks!

( Word Count 1061 )

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