• Chapter 1.13 •

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As everyone was fighting against Ultron and his army of robots, Samantha was using everything she had to try and stop the metal man

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As everyone was fighting against Ultron and his army of robots, Samantha was using everything she had to try and stop the metal man. She lifted her hand up, the yellow power engulfing a robot before it could fly away as it exploded on mid-air while she took a deep breath, closing her eyes to relax slightly while Clint came up behind her. "You good, sparky?" He asked, the girl rolling her eyes.

"I'm fine, just haven't been using my powers because of Nick Fury." She told him, Clint looking at her, the girl knowing he read her file.

"Sam, you do have cancer. The only thing saving you is your healing ability and that wears off when you use your electricity." He told her, the girl sighing while nodding her head.

"I know, at least I'll die a hero, right?" She asked, taking that moment to fly away while Clint shook his head.

A woman was screaming just as the car was about to rip over, Steve rushing to get there on time and soon he saw Samantha running with him as well, taking the time to slide and grip the bottom of the vehicle while she gasped. The bumper ripping from the pressure while she saw the car fly down and she went on to look to Steve. "I have to." She told him, using her power to fly down and grab the car, the woman gasping at the impact and she lifted it back up while she saw Thor take the other people to safety.

She took a deep breath, seeing Steve smile at her sadly. "You can't save them all." Ultron said through one of the robots, just before it could shoot the woman, Steve hit his shield against it. "You'll never..." and before he could finish, Steve used his magnet to catch his shield, the body flying off the cliff.

"'Never' what? You didn't finish!" Steve yelled, Thor coming just in time to drop the car. "What were you napping?" Steve asked, the man crawling out of the car to puke.

Samantha was using her fighting ability, along with her gun to shoot away the robots. "Thor." Ultron stated, flying that way to take the God away. "You're bothering me."

Samantha looked towards the robot and then to Steve. "You good here?" She asked, Steve nodding his head while throwing his shield to decapitate a robot while she nods her head. "Good, cause I'm going to follow them." She said while heading out.

"All right, we're all clear here." Clint stated in his area.

"We are not clear! We are very not clear!" Steve yelled.

"All right, coming to you." Clint stated while Pietro took his sister and left Clint.

"Keep up old man." Pietro stated. Clint took that moment to draw his bow and sighed.

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