• Chapter 1.12 •

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Lady Samantha

Rushing into Sokovia, Samantha landed on the ground and started running into an elementary school to save the students and teachers

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Rushing into Sokovia, Samantha landed on the ground and started running into an elementary school to save the students and teachers. "Everyone go! We're under attack! There are safety buses ready to take you away." She told everyone, the people all quickly getting out while the girl heard a scream. She looked around and then found the child getting trampled by others. She pushed the group while glaring at them. "Get out of the way!" She yelled while grabbing the small girl and giving her to the parents who were crying for their child.

She gave the child to the father, the man smiling over Samantha. "Thank you." He said while the woman smiled.

"No problem, but go." She told him, pushing them to go while running off to the team.

"Ultron thinks we're monsters. That we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." Steve said, Tony's head lifting up from the headrest while Samantha walked over towards the quinjet.

"Let's go." She said, the girl making everyone help evacuate the city as they didn't want civilians to get harmed through this fight.

Just as Samantha was helping a woman get inside a car, robots started sprouting out of the ground as she was pulled down. "Steve!" She yelled, holding her hand up while the man caught her and pulled her up while hitting the robot with his shield to cut off the head.

"Go!" Steve kept yelling towards the civilians as the woman drove off, Samantha taking a deep breath, hissing when she tried to walk.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking down at her leg to see a huge chunk taken out, the girl looking to Steve.

"They ripped the vibranium out of my leg." She whispered, fear in her eyes.

"Get off the bridge!" Wanda yelled, placing a shield over the people to protect them as Steve carried Samantha away from the fight.

"Pietro, I need Samantha out of here, now." He said, the girl's healing slowing down immensely.

"I'm fine." She said, trying to get up as Steve pushed her back down.

"You're staying here." He told her, Pietro running towards her in a blue flash. "Take her to the quinjet." He stated while Pietro picked her up.

"Come on, Princess." He said, while running off.

Along the way, Pietro was able to kill of some robots as he placed her down at the jet. "Stay." He told her, the girl glaring at his leaving figure while she looked over her leg.

She pulled the suit up to see the damage. Blood was pooling around her, the girl quickly taking a towel that was lying around and pressed it against the wound as she slightly.

She hadn't felt pain like this in a while, the last time when she was captured and turned into what she was. She bit her lip as she grabbed her utility belt and tightened it around to stop her from bleeding out. She hit her head hard against the metal wall of the jet, soon hearing Ultron's voice as the ground shook.

"Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the Earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Pure He me from your computers, turn my own flush against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." He said, the girl furrowing her eyebrows as she looked out of the jet, seeing that she was floating.

She gasped, holding tightly onto the seat as she turned her intercom on. "Steve, what's going on?" She asked, the man's eyes widened.

"Sokovia is flying." He told her, the girl trying to keep her cool.

"You need me." She breathed out, the man shaking his head.

"Samantha don't- -" she pulled the intercom out of her ear while she breathed in and out.

"I can control it." She breathed out, closing her eyes and feeling heat pulse around her. She felt her legs stitch itself, a light flicker erupting over her finger tips as she then opened her eyes to show off a yellow tinge of electricity over her body.

She took energy from the jet, jumping out to landed on the piece of dirt that was floating higher into the sky as she looked around.

She found Steve getting smacked against a car while she flew up to him, using all the energy she had as she allowed a lightening bolt to hit at least ten robots on the area. She looked to Steve, a frown on her face while she took a deep breath and the electricity went away as she grabbed his hand.

"I told you that you needed me." She said, Steve shaking his head.

"If you keep using your power, you'll die. Fury said- -"

"Fury isn't my boss anymore. I am my own person Steve. If I die, it will be for saving the world." She told him, Steve grabbing her hand.

"Promise me, please I can't lose you." He whispered, the girl pouting slightly while grabbing his face and kissing him hard with all the passion she had in her body.

She pulled away, smiling lightly. "I can't promise anything." She told him, taking her gun while shooting a robot on the head before it could get to them.

Steve frowned as she left quickly, "I'll help the people who are still left on this rock!" She yelled at him, Steve shaking his head while looking around.

"Cap, you got incoming." Tony stated.

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve stated, slightly angered about Samantha's saying while the girl run next to Thor and smiled.

"Alright God of Thunder. Show me what you got." She said, allowing the power to show around her body while thro smirked.

"Lady Samantha, it would be an honor." He stated, raising his hammer in the air while his lightening struck her, giving her the energy she needed to fight this army off.


So... she has electric powers! Please don't be mad that I didn't let her show them off until now, I wanted it to be a surprise. Please leave a comment, vote, and follow! Thanks very much!

( Word Count 1088 )

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