• Chapter 0.2 •

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Phase One

"Samantha Kingsley, a thirteen year old girl, was taken two weeks ago from her own backyard

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"Samantha Kingsley, a thirteen year old girl, was taken two weeks ago from her own backyard." A news reporter stated over the television.

The girl they were speaking of was locked away in her cell, holding her legs into her chest while she heard the door open. She was terrified, she never wanted this, and all she wanted to do was go home. When the light spilled into the room, she closed her eyes to hide her face, trying to squeeze her body into the wall as she had no place to hide herself. Why would she be the one to be experimented on?

"No one knows how the young girl had been taken away from her family, but if you have seen her, please contact the police."

The girl was grabbed away, her struggling doing nothing but making the soldiers annoyed as she kicked and screamed for them to let her gone. "Please, just let me go!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. Her muscles were tired, the soldiers doing nothing as they strapped her down on the metal table and she kept up her screaming. The doctor was soon walking in just as the girl stopped. She saw in his hand a case and another soldier walking in next to him. "What are you going to do?" She rasped, tears escaping her eyes.

"The police are trying to capture the people who are taking head children and if you have any leads, please let them know. For the families out there that still have their children, lock your doors and stay inside."

The doctor smiled, the girl looking over the man next to her as he held a metal mask over the bottom half of his face and his hair was just past his chin. The other thing that spotted her attention was the metal arm with the red star embellished on it.

The case opened and a needle was inside, a glittery orange substance was in the injection. The girls eyes widened as she shivered in fear. "Please, please, please..." she kept whispering, knowing what was about to happen. "Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me!" She yelled.

The doctor took the needle out of the case, a proud smile over his face. "I'm not going to hurt you." He told the girl, walking closer to her as she felt his hand over her cheek and she whimpered, her mouth parted slightly as she kept muttering nonsense in fear. "I'm going to make you the next best thing." He told her, removing his hand from her face.

She started sobbing as she shook her head. "Please!" She screamed out, the soldiers not even flinching at her cries and her arm was grabbed by the doctor.

"You might feel a slight pinch." He said, the girl trying to rip her arm free from his hold. Samantha then felt the pinch he was talking about, and as the needle was dug into her arm, she winced.

He slowly injected the concoction into her blood stream as she felt it burn her body. She started panting, the room spinning around her as she yelled out. "I'm hot, someone... someone help me! I'm burning!" She ripped out of her throat, sweat collecting along her skin as the doctor watched with fascination.

"And you said this should be happening?" He asked the soldier as he nods his head, seeing the girl's skin turn a tinge red as the injection was spreading.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" She yelled out, a power swirling around her as the lights went out, everything went dark and everyone panicked.

"Get the lights!"

"Don't let her escape!"

"Someone get the goddamn lights!"

And when the power was back on, everyone saw the girl in front of them. She was passed out from exhaustion and the doctor went to check her pulse.

When he felt a heart beat he laughed. "Perfect, put her back into her cell. She's ready for phase one." He stated, the girl whimpering as her body was tossed around.

"Winter Soldier, you are the one to train her in combat." He told the man as the soldier nods his head.


And here Samantha is the newest HYDRA creation! Please leave a comment, vote, and follow! Thanks so much.

( Word Count 715 )

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