• Chapter 1.9 •

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Ultron's Wish

After the incident with Steve, Samantha hadn't left his side, the two trying to figure out a way to get out of the safe house and hunt Ultron before he could possibly destroy the Earth

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After the incident with Steve, Samantha hadn't left his side, the two trying to figure out a way to get out of the safe house and hunt Ultron before he could possibly destroy the Earth. The brunette looked over to Steve, the man swinging down an axe to cut up wood pieces to pass the time away since there was no gym to relieve his stress. That's when Tony came by, the two stopping what they were doing as Samantha wasn't on good terms with the man. He is the one who allowed all this to happen just because he wanted to make the world safe.

She frowned, crossing her arms while Tony sighed. "Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?" Tony asked while Steve shakes his head.

"Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things. I was kind of hoping Thor would be the exception." Steve told Tony, the girl help taking the pieces of wood towards the pile.

"Maybe he went to get Esmeralda. I've heard that she is the strongest on the team." She told them while Tony scoffed.

"Esmeralda is on another planet right now, protecting it from whatever was supposed to happen." He told her, looking to Steve. "Just give Thor time. We don't know what the Maximoff kid showed him." Tony told Steve.

"'Earth's mightiest heroes.' Pulled apart like cotton candy." Steve muttered, angry at himself.

"Seems like you walked away all right." Tony called out, Samantha stopping her actions while looking to Tony.

"Tony, don't start." She pleaded.

"Is that a problem?" Steve asked.

"I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old-fashioned." Tony teased while the brunette got in the middle.

"Enough, Steve- -"

"Well, let's just say you haven't seen it yet." Steve told him, continuing to cut down the fire wood.

"You know Ultron is trying to tear us apart, right?" Tony asked, stepping closer.

"Well, I guess you'd know. Whether you'd tell us is a bit of a question." Steve said while swinging the axe down.

"Banner and I were doing research." Tony tried to tell him.

"That would affect the team." Steve told him.

"That would end the team! Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the 'Why We Fight?' so we can end the fight. So we get to go home!" Tony yelled while Steve picked up a log, ripping it in half with only his hands as Samantha's eyes widened.

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