Camping gone bad (3)

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Stokeley pov:

I woke up releasing I still had my arms wrapped around Jah's small waist.
He looked so peaceful when sleeping.

I decided that I should probably start packing up the car since we're supposed to leave soon.
I quietly gathered up my sleeping bag then zipped open the tent.

Everyone else was still sound asleep.
I knew I still had to talk to Jah about what happened last night so he knows he can't just run off like that.

I quietly re enter the tent knowing now is probably the best time to talk to Jah since everyone is still asleep.

" Jah" I whisper slightly shaking him.

" Jah wake up" I continue calmly.
His eyes open and he forms an annoyed expression.

" I need to talk to you" I inform him seriously.
He nods his head in approval for me to continue and that I have his attention.

" first of all you can't just leave like that" I inform him sternly.
A look of guilt takes over his features.

" just tell me if you want to go somewhere and I'll let you" I reassure him.
He then looks at me as if he was a disappointment.

" it's ok just tell me next time" I continue to assure him as I brought him in for a hug.

" how bout some mountain pies before we go" I suggest trying to lighten the mood.
Jah nods his head and smiles widely before following me out the tent.

After about 30 minutes everyone else starts to get up.

" took you long enough" I joke.

" you can't talk Stoke" Omar argues back referring to how long it took us to get here.

" anyway it's about time to get going" I inform everyone.

" alright Gazzy can you start getting our stuff together?" Omar asks Gazzy.

" oh yeah Jah can you go get your stuff together" I ask Jah.
Yet a look of panic spreads across his face.

" what's wrong Jah" I ask concerned.
He stays quiet but then I hear him slightly mumble " no go"

" we have too Jah, today was are last day here" I inform still confused on why he doesn't want to leave.
He gives me pleading eyes begging for us to stay.

" come on Jah go pack your stuff" I urge him to go do.
He's never been like this before.
He is always very compliant but today he wasn't having it.

"Jah now" I ask him in a stern tone.
His eyes start to get red as quiet tears stain his delicate cheeks.

" what's up with you today?" I ask him frustrated.

I gently lift him up from his seat on the log and carry him to the car.
He begins to thrash in my arms knowing where I was taking him.

" Jah please stop" I say trying to be stern with him.
I place him in the car as he just cries.

" sorry guys I don't know what's wrong with him" I apologize heading to the tent to pack up Jah's stuff.

Once I have everything packed up I head over to put it in the car.
I open the trunk door to put everything down but notice Jah is no longer in the car.

I sigh in frustration.
Where is he now?
I turn back around to where everyone was seated to see that Jah is sat on the same log he was on before.

" really Jah" I say starting to get irritated.
He smirks at me while everyone else is trying to hold back from laughing.

" guys this isn't funny" I reprimand them.

" in the car now Jahseh" I warn him one last time.
Yet he stays where he's at.
I walk over to him reaching out to grab his upper arm but he moves from my touch.

"I'm not playing with you" I continue scolding him.

" have you tried asking what he wants?" Jared asks me.

" of course I have but he doesn't talk" I inform Jared in an annoyed tone.

I finally am able to grab ahold of his arm and carry him to the car.
I roughly buckle him into the backseat while slamming the door closed.

" bye guys I'm sorry about this morning" I apologize while saying my goodbyes.

" it's ok just try and understand him" Jared tries helping me.

" thanks I'll try, bye guys" I say before hoping in the drivers seat.
I look through my back mirror seeing a pout spread across Jahseh's features.

" hey don't give me that, it's not my fault you won't tell me what you want" I lightly scold him.

Once the car starts to move I hear Jah mumble cries of " nick"

" Jah is Nick your friend that you saw?" I ask him thinking this could be the reason he was being difficult earlier.

He nods his head and I see more tears threaten to fall down his red cheeks.

" did you want to see him before we go?" I ask knowing this had to be what made him upset.
He nods his head as his tears abruptly stop.
A large grin then appears onto his features.

" that's all you had to say" I inform him.

" where's he at?" I ask Jah.
He holds up 5 fingers representing what must be lot 5.

" alright then we can go" I assure him.

I pull up into lot 5 helping Jah out of the vehicle.
Jah leaves my side rushing over to a boy with brown dreads.
I never seen him so full of energy.

" wait up Jah" I yell out.

" you must be Stokeley" a woman asks coming towards me which I'm guessing is Nicks mom.

" yes I am" I answer her.

" thank you so much for taking Jah in" the woman says.

" I'm so glad I did he's really something" I respond to her truthfully.

" he's had a really hard life and he needed someone to just be there for him, I wanted to take him in but I never could with his mom around" she informs me.

" wait his mom is.." I start only to be cut off.

" his mom passed away last year so he wouldn't have anywhere else to go" she quickly informs me.

Before I could respond Jah comes over gripping my arm motioning that he's ready to go.

"Alright Jah you ready" I ask to make sure.
He nods his head in content.

" bye Jah call us if he does anything to you" Nick's mom jokes before hugging him.
Jah quickly hugs Nick one last time before intertwining his hand with mine.

" did you give your number to Nick?" I ask Jah so they can keep in contact.
He nods his head meaning that he did.

"Bye" Jah yells back confidently.

" I didn't know you could talk let alone yell" I tease him but I was actually really shocked.
I could tell he was really starting to come out of his shell.
He just needed a little push.

What ya think?

Do you want Jah to stay quiet a little longer or do you want him to start fully talking ??

Please vote and comment?!??

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