Birthday boy (2)

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Stokeley's pov:

We just finished cake and Jah now has it all smeared around his face. I don't even know how that's possible but somehow he makes everything possible.

I'm a little nervous because Jah's surprise may be here any minute. I just don't know how he's going to react. He's either going to be really upset or happy with me.

I just want him to fully recover and move on from his past and this might just help with that.

A few minutes later I here the doorbell ring and I know who it is. So I grab Jah and lead him over to the door. He looks at me with a confused expression.

" open it," I encourage him.

He then nervously opens the door to reveal an old familiar face. Jah studies the mans face before his eyes widen in realization.

" Dad?" Jah questions.

" yeah it's me," the man answers.

Jah starts to slightly tear up before his father wraps him in a tight embrace.

" I missed you so much," he cries while tightening his grip on Jah.

So far so good I think Jah is happy to see his dad. I was worried that he would of been upset or furious at his dad. Luckily he seems to just be happy to be able to see him again. With him losing his mom I thought him reconnecting with his father might help him with that.

After a while I decided to let Jah and his dad have some time to catch up.


Third person pov:

" I'm so sorry that I left you. I just couldn't do it anymore. Your mother she just kept getting worse and I couldn't do it anymore. I should of taken you with me and I'm sorry for that," Jah's dad apologizes.

" it's ok," Jah mumbles.

" I want to be apart of your life now Jah will you let me?" He asks with hopeful eyes.

" mmhh," Jah answers. He was still quite shy especially around new people and since he hasn't seen his dad in ages it's almost like he never met him.

" Stokeley told me that you have a really cool room do you want to show it to me?"

At that Jah vigorously shook his head and guided his dad to his room. Jah's dad knew that Jah was a little from Stokeley. He didn't no everything about how to treat littles but Stoke filled him in on the basics.

" What's his name?" He asks referring to one of Jah's stuffies.

" Stitch," Jah shyly mumbles.

After Jah got to show his dad all of his toys and room Stokeley soon came up to join them.

" hey so everyone's left and they all wanted me to tell you happy birthday once again," Stoke grins as he sees Jah and his dad connecting.

He got to talk a lot to his dad and really get to know him. He was happy to here that the boys dad was accepting of their lifestyle and just wanted to be apart of Jah's life. Now I might have some time to pick up more hours at the studio since his dad can watch him. Another plus is Jah's now officially 18 ;).

Do u think stoke had a good surprise?

Do u think Jah did the right thing by letting his dad back into his life?

What do u think of Jah finally becoming 18?

Do u think having his dad back is going to help him?

Did u suspect this as the surprise at all?

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