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It had been awhile since Morro came back. Lloyd hadn't seen him in awhile. He still felt terrible. He knew that conversation went terribly wrong. He thought he could fix it and he made it worse.

Kai refused to hold any conversation with Lloyd other than quick hellos.

Lloyd felt distant from everyone. He didn't realize how close he felt to Morro until he stopped seeing him. He didn't have anyone else anymore.

But he couldn't get Morro to change. So why did he miss him? Why did he long for him to show up?

Jay interrupted Lloyd's thoughts with a joke."You looked like you needed cheering up."

Lloyd shrugged. "I'm fine."

"What're you thinking about?"

"Not much."

"Mhhhhm." Jay put his hands on his hips.

Nya ran into the room and looked excited. "You guys!"

Jay looked at her. "What?"

"We're going on a trip."

"Where to?"

"Not sure."

"Oh?" Jay raised an eyebrow.

Nya shrugged. "Who wants to come?"

"Are you going?" Jay asked.

Nya nodded.

"Sure." Jay went to her side.

"Cole, Kai and Zane agreed too." She added.

Jay looked offended. "Cole? Augh!"

"Lloyd?" Nya asked.

Lloyd shook his head. "No. I'm good."

"Suit yourself." She walked off with Jay.

Lloyd sighed. Being even more alone. Just what he needed.

The next day he helped everyone pack and load. He was given a set of instructions of what to make sure to do while they were gone. He stayed home alone for a few days after they left. Bored out of his mind. He mostly just sat around being depressed.

On the fifth day, he heard a knock at the door, so he went to it.

He froze when he saw who stood there. "Morro..."

Morro smiled softly at Lloyd, shifting his things all wrapped up in a towel to his other shoulder. "Lloyd."

"Where...Where have you been?!" Lloyd quickly wrapped Morro into a hug.

Morro didn't know what to do so he stood there. "I've been taking time to think."

"What about?"

"You. Me."


"I decided you were right."

"Really?" Lloyd looked at Morro with hope.

"Yeah. So...in order to change..." Morro stopped for a few seconds. "I'm going to go away for awhile."

"What? No! Don't leave..." Lloyd looked like he was going to cry.

"I'll be back, I promise." Morro pulled away from Lloyd. "Take care of yourself. Or else I'll have to kill you." He pat Lloyd's hair. "You'll be okay."

Lloyd looked devastated. He could hardly comprehend any of this. All he knew was that Morro was leaving.

Morro kissed Lloyd's forehead and backed up, turning away.

Lloyd reached his hand out; but couldn't grab on to anything.

He watched Morro walk away, he didn't look back once. A tear rolled down Lloyd's cheek. He didn't want this,

Morro didn't want it either, but he knew what had to be done. He hated leaving Lloyd in the hands of anyone but himself. He wanted to look back and smile but he needed to be stronger than that. Seeing Lloyd break down would make him break down too.

Lloyd watched Morro get smaller and smaller and then finally disappear.

Hated ~A Ninjago fanfiction~ ((GreenWind))Where stories live. Discover now