Explanation and Rules

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This game is basically the same as Mafia. In this game, there are five roles: Traitor (killer), Deputy (detective), Medicine Cat (healer), Renegade and Lovers. There can also potentially be a Leader. All role mechanics will be explained in the next page.

Every night, the killer will choose a target to kill. If they manage to kill off Clan members until the number of evil cats equates to the number of Clan cats, they win. If they get found out, the Clan wins.

Before each round, there will be a page of cats for you to choose from to play as. It's first come first serve as to who gets which cat.


-Don't swear (you can use censored swears or Warriors curse words such as fox-heart)

-Don't start drama

-Stay in character

-Be nice

-Don't get salty if you lose/ miss a cat you wanted

-Be active!

And that's it for now, may the odds be ever in your favor!

~Bubble and Peony

Traitor // A Warriors Mafia Minigame Where stories live. Discover now