Round One, Scene Five

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It was night-time. No cricket chirps or birdsong sounded, as if the forest was still holding a vigil for the lost warriors. Tiny wisps of clouds floated across the air. Stars glittered faintly in the pitch-black sky. Were there more of them than when before the killer had started killing their Clanmates? Dovestar stared at the swathe of stars that represented her warrior ancestors. She could hardly believe that so many good cats had perished at the paws of this traitor.

Shadestripe, Cedarshine, Juniperheart... Just thinking about them made Dovestar's heart ache. She studied the stars; was StarClan really up there, watching over this Clan? Sighing, she retreated into her den, settling down in her nest. Please save us, StarClan, I pray you.


"Drizzleleaf, do you mind checking Russetstorm's injury?" Gorsebreeze yawned. "I'm so tired right now..."

"Sure, why not?" Drizzleleaf shook her fur out before leaving to take care of Russetstorm in Gorsebreeze's place. The white and brown she-cat stretched out in her nest and closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to come.




"Is it's not important, leave me be, okay?" Gorzebreeze muttered.

"Okay, okay. But what I've got to tell you is life-changing." A pause. "Or rather, I'm taking yours."

The killer slashed down on Gorsebreeze's exposed belly. Gorsebreeze shrieked, but it was too late; the damage had been done.

"You!" A snarl sounded behind the killer. There stood Dovestar, her gray fur bristling along her spine. The killer growled in frustration and immediately turned to run, abandoning their new kill.

"Stop right there!" Dovestar yowled. She started to run after the traitor, but a gasp stopped her.

Russetstorm stood over Gorsebreeze's body, his eyes glistening with grief. "I-I thought she was guilty..." he murmured, pushing his muzzle into the she-cat's cooling fur.

Drizzleleaf, as if on cue, emerged from the camp entrace. Her eyes lay on Gorsebreeze's body. "Gorsebreeze..." She rushed over to the body.

"Her murderer is out in the forest somewhere!" Dovestar cried out. "It was just before you two came; they couldn't have gone very far from here!"

"I won't let them get away!" Russetstorm raced away into the forest, keen to uncover the killer who'd almost taken his life. Drizzleleaf started to follow, but Dovestar stopped her. "If the killer decides to come back, you need to fight them," she ordered. Drizzleleaf didn't look happy about it, but she nodded in acceptance.

But what if she's the killer? Dovestar thought to herself. She didn't have the time to worry about it. Quickly, she ran after Russetstorm, hoping they would find this killer and stop them once and for all.

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