Round Two, Scene Two

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"You have all decided that Shellmist is innocent, so she may stay with us." Eaglestar announced.

"Well, obviously she's innocent!" Petalfern squeaked. "I mean, Shellmist is too nice to hurt other cats."

Cloudfeather opened her mouth to say something, but seemed to change her mind. She shook her head fiercely, as if trying to clear her thoughts.

"Shellmist, you would do well to not make us regret this decision." The mottled brown tom continued icily.

Shellmist dipped her head nervously. "Yes, Eaglestar." Her body still quivered from fear, but not as much as it did before.

"You are all dismissed. Stay alert of this threat." With that, Eaglestar disappeared into his den.


"Shellmist, are you sure you're okay?" Ravenflight shifted his paws. The other cats had settled down, for the most part, but Shellmist still seemed nervous, despite the fact that no cat seemed to hold her responsible for the deaths.

Shellmist drew a shuddering breath. "Are any of us really okay?" She turned her beautiful green eyes towards the black and white tom, adding, "He didn't deserve to die."

Ravenflight nuzzled the shaking calico she-cat comfortingly. "I know."

The two looked softly into each others' eyes, neither blinking or speaking; they'd locked themselves into each other's gentle gaze, and neither wanted to leave.

Finally, Shellmist broke the silence. "Can we... take a walk in the forest? Just..." Shellmist broke off her sentence sheepishly, her pelt emanating warmth. "I like spending time with you, and-"

Ravenflight shushed her. He felt his own pelt grow hot with embarrassment. "Let's go."

The two cats arose and padded out of the camp, trying not to step on any other cats' tails. They entered the forest alone... Or so they thought.

The two cats sat silently together, doing nothing in particular, simply relaxing in the other's presence. Not suspicious of anything, not on guard for anything.

The softest rustle sounded from behind the two cats.

A fuzzy blur shot out of a nearby bush, colliding with Ravenflight. Shellmist shrieked and backed away.

"Traitor! Who are you?" Ravenflight roared. He pummeled at his attacker with his hind paws.

"Telling would be mouse-brained," the newcomer hissed. "You, Ravenflight, will join Spottedstorm in StarClan!"

"You can try to kill me, but I'm not going down without a fight," Ravenflight snarled. "Shellmist, go get Eaglestar!"

The calico she-cat hesitated to leave her friend alone, but she nodded and rushed off to fetch her leader.

"Now, die, you traitor!"


"Eaglestar!" Shellmist shrieked. Her paws were running faster than she'd ever run before. She burst into the camp, panting, "Ravenflight needs help! He's being attacked by the traitor!"

Her yowl awoke every cat in the camp. They flooded out of their dens, worry already marring their faces.

"Shellmist, what exactly is going on?" Eaglestar questioned the calico she-cat. Shellmist gave him a quick explanation of what happened, pausing occasionally to catch her breath.

Eaglestar frowned. "Petalfern, Thistlecloud, come with us. Shellmist, lead the way."

Shellmist dashed away to where she'd left Ravenflight, tailed by Eaglestar, Petalfern and Thistlecloud. But by the time they reached the site, the other cat had disappeared, and they had left a memento.

Ravenflight lay in the clearing, fresh scratches crisscrossing his pelt. Tufts of black and white fur- Ravenflight's fur- littered the ground around him. His pelt was caked with dust and drying blood.

"Ravenflight...?" Petalfern whispered. "What happened to you?" The ginger tabby crouched over Ravenflight's body.

"No! I won't believe it," Shellmist gasped. She rushed to her friend's body, thrusting her muzzle into his fur. She squeezed her eyes shut. Then she froze.

"H-He's still breathing...!" Shellmist raised her head to look at the others. "Someone bring some herbs and cobwebs-"

"We have to work together to save him," Eaglestar interrupted. "We'll have to be quick."

Petalfern and Thistlecloud nodded. Ravenflight looked weak, but he wasn't beyond saving. Together, the four of them worked to heal Ravenflight, and succeeded in bringing him back from the brink of death. The traitor's attack had failed this time...

But it wasn't over just yet.

Thistlecloud and Shellmist carried Ravenflight back to camp. Once they got back to camp, Eaglestar let out a loud call, and his warriors immediately surrounded him.

"As you know," he started, "Ravenflight was attacked in the forest. Luckily, we've managed to save his life. It was certainly the work of the murderer again..." Eaglestar took a deep breath. "Petalfern has been accused of being the murderer."

Petalfern looked at her leader in surprise. "I'd never try to kill Ravenflight!"

"That's right," Ryefrost added. "Who would accuse soft Petalfern of murder? I mean, she's just so docile-" The white and ginger she-cat was interrupted by Smokewhisper.

"It could just be a ruse. If a murderer can fake loyalty, they can fake innocence too." The gray tom glanced briefly at Petalfern, then turned away.

"The rules are the same as last time. Vote her innocent, and she can stay. Vote her guilty, and she can stay. I will announce the results after you've all decided."

Traitor // A Warriors Mafia Minigame Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang